Paisley Daily Express

Bogus worker batters and then robs OAP


alone when she answered the door to the suspect who claimed to work for an energy company.

However, she violently barged into the pensioner and dragged her to floor before making off with just a small amount of cash.

The suspect, who is described as a white woman, is in her late 20s or early 30s, 5ft 6ins tall and of slim build, with dark hair in a ponytail.

She was wearing a grey hoodie top and dark jeans, and was seen getting into a black car in nearby Buchlyvie Road just after the incident.

Thankfully the victim was uninjured during the rammy.

Cops are now desperate to trace the sick individual behind the attack and have appealed for witnesses to come forward.

Detective Inspector Ross MacDonald, from Paisley CID, said: “We are investigat­ing the robbery of a 75-year-old woman in her own home in Auchmannoc­h Avenue, Paisley around 1.45pm on Monday.

“A woman attended the door claiming to work for a utilities company before barging in and dragging the victim to the floor and taking a small amount of cash.

“This is a truly despicable incident targeting a pensioner in her own home.

“Thankfully the victim was unhurt but has clearly been left very badly shaken by the incident.

“We are very keen to trace the suspect, who is described as in her late 20s early 30s, 5ft 6ins tall, slim build, dark hair in a ponytail, wearing a grey hoody top and dark jeans.

“She was also seen getting into a black car in Buchlyvie Road following the attack.”

He added: “If you have any informatio­n at all or saw the person described in the area then we would like to hear from you.”

If you have any informatio­n contact police on 101, or Crimestopp­ers, anonymousl­y on 0800 555 111.

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