Paisley Daily Express

Kind Katie in brave hair gift

Charity chop raises £400

- Kirsty McKenzie

A little girl has proved she is cut out for great things after donating her beautiful long locks to a trust that makes wigs for sick children.

Katie Neville went for the charity chop in front of all her friends and family during a special assembly at Gallowhill Primary, where the youngster goes to school.

The kindhearte­d pupil had her mane cut to raise cash for The Little Princess Trust, a charity that gives free real hair wigs to kids who suffer hair loss, or have no hair due to cancer treatment.

The youngster – who recently turned 11 – approached her headteache­r Sheila Hood earlier in the year with the idea to donate her hair to charity.

Ms Hood said: “She is really a caring girl, so I wasn’t surprised when she asked, just full of admiration.

“For many girls this age at school, their hair is their pride and joy and it is a big thought to have it cut from waist length to a bob.”

But little Katie was determined to gift other children with her long locks after receiving so many presents of her own on her 11th birthday.

Proud stepmum Claire Morrison said: “She said she wanted to give it to the boys and girls who couldn’t have any, and we told her of course we would help.

“The whole thing has given her a real confidence boost, especially knowing that her friends and teachers are proud of her.

“She spoke with them and decided it would be good to do it in front of the whole school, to help bring the charity even more awareness.”

Lauren Robertson, from Luscious Hair, snipped 12 inches of Katie’s lovely locks while 300 fellow pupils looked on.

Katie was also cheered on by Claire and dad Richard, as well as her little sisters Holly, eight, Sophie, four, and Rosie, four months, when the whole family were given VIP seats at the special assembly.

“It really was a fantastic day,” explained Ms Hood.

“The whole school was there and she got a nice big round of applause when the hairdresse­r cut her braid.

“We had a bucket to go round and the children were given a chance to donate to The Little Princess Trust.”

Delighted Katie smashed her £200 fundraisin­g target, managing to raise a whopping £400 for the charity.

Ms Hood added: “Having empathy and showing generosity towards others is really something we like to emphasise within the school, so it is brilliant that Katie was able to do so well.”

 ??  ?? Chop chop Katie has 12 inches snipped off her hair by Lauren Charity champ Katie Neville cut her hair and raised over £400 for the Little Princess Trust
Chop chop Katie has 12 inches snipped off her hair by Lauren Charity champ Katie Neville cut her hair and raised over £400 for the Little Princess Trust
 ??  ?? Proud Katie’s family were all there on the day Support The whole school cheered Katie on
Proud Katie’s family were all there on the day Support The whole school cheered Katie on

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