Paisley Daily Express

Weirdo terrorised his ex



“He was arrested and placed in the back of the police car.

“He was mimicking headbuttin­g motions at me and laughing.

“He lunged towards me and attempted to headbutt me.”

Czernel admitted terrifying Ms Marek after he was picked up on September 2 last year.

The court heard the pair had lived in England before she moved north of the border.

He memorised her address and repeatedly parked up outside it in Paisley’s west end.

The bully was caught outside the woman’s home after she spotted him and raised the alarm.

He ha d s e nt h e r threatenin­g messages and called her a “slut”, a “bitch” and a “police snitch”.

His victim told how he sent a slew of threats and slurs over a 48-hour period.

Cops quizzed him over the text messages, including one insisting he would “break her bones”.

But he told officers he did not “see anything wrong” with the abuse.

The interview ended when he called one policeman a “ginger pig” and “ginger c**t”.

He was convicted of targeting Ms Marek and shouting foul- mouthed abuse in the street and at a police station.

Defence lawyer Bob Kerr insisted his client had no reason to visit his former partner again.

He said: “He’s a single man and lives alone.

“He sent texts, which were inappropr i a t e , and he accepts that. “There has been no ongoing contact.

“They seem to have accepted things are not going to improve between them and have gone their own ways.”

Sheriff James Spy warned Czernel to keep away from the woman.

He said: “I am going to impose fines in respect of the charges.

“I am accepting it that the relationsh­ip is over and there will be no further contact.”

Czernel has been ordered to pay £450. (Adjacent to Kwik Save car park, Paisley Road West)

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