Paisley Daily Express

Thug threatened to stab his own mum

Boozed-up lout launched vile rant and smashed window

- Express Reporter

A former soldier has been caged for a foul-mouthed drunken rant where he branded his own mum “a f****** dog” - then threatened to stab her.

Christophe­r Holland made the vile threat to Christine Taylor at her home in Paisley because she had allowed his brother in to the property.

Holland’s behaviour towards his mum was so bad she was left “terrified and shaking” but that wasn’t enough for Holland.

Intent on causing more heartache, he went on to smash one of her windows after leaving her home.

The details emerged when Holland, 29, appeared in the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court over the rammy.

He had earlier pleaded guilty to a charge of wilfully or recklessly damaging her property by smashing a window.

And he pleaded guilty to a second charge of behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner towards his mum.

Procurator Fiscal Depute Pamela Flynn told the court that Holland lost his temper on October 14 at his mum’s home in Glen Street, Paisley.

The prosecutor explained: “The accused and his mother were within the property.

“The accused began to drink alcohol.

“The accused became aggressive towards his mother, shouting, swearing and threatenin­g to ‘smash the place up’.

“The accused then shouted in an aggressive manner towards his mother, calling her ‘a f****** dog’.

“The demeanour and attitude of the accused placed his mother in a state of fear.

“The accused’s brother attended to do his washing.

“He had headphones on but couldn’t hear what the accused was saying, although he observed him shouting at her and behaving aggressive­ly towards her and observed her to be ‘ terrified, extremely upset and shaking’.

“The accused continued to shout and swear at his mother and made threats to stab her - causing her to fear for her safety.”

He then left and smashed one of her windows before the police were contacted and they arrived at the scene, finding Holland covered in blood with a cut to his hand.

And he told officers: “I don’t know my own strength” in relation to him smashing the window with his hand.

Defence Solicitor Advocate Chris McKenna told the court that Holland was on licence for a sentence imposed in England and was “realistic about the likely outcome.”

He added: “He’s ashamed he’s directed this conduct towards his mother.

“His brother had, in fact, assaulted him. “He was upset he was there. “He joined the Army at 16 and was discharged after three years due to medical reasons and the fact is he has struggled to adapt to normal life since he was discharged.

“He thrives in a custodial setting because of the structure and discipline - something he was used to in the military.

“He was upset at being discharged.”

Sheriff David Pender ruled there was only one way he could deal with Holland and locked him up for four months for the offences, reduced from six months as he admitted his guilt.

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