Paisley Daily Express

Blade yob told cops knife was to cut cake

Thug made cutlery claim when police searched him

- Chris Taylor

A yob caught with a knife in the street told police officers he had been using it to cut a cake.

Darryl Orr, 21, insisted he had been celebratin­g moving into his own flat with a sponge slice.

He claims he walked outside with the blade after being distracted by a phone call.

During a hearing at Paisley Sheriff Court, Orr admitted possessing the weapon.

Defence lawyer Alastair Gray maintained his client had the concealed blade by accident.

He said: “He recently obtained his own flat. He moved in and didn’t have any cutlery.

“A friend of his lived in the same close and brought him it. He brought him it to cut a cake.

“He cut it and then put it in his pocket and forgot about it. He got a phone call and it distracted him.

“He forgot to take it out and left the flat. He has a schedule of previous conviction­s which will be of concern to the court.

“None of these involved the use of weapons.

“He had never carried a knife before.”

Orr was caught with the blade in Love Street , Paisley, by police on September 28.

He was arrested after he was unable to give a reasonable excuse for carrying the weapon.

Orr was locked-up for 40 months when he was 17.

He abducted another teenager before overturnin­g a car during a drunken joyride.

The thug had left a wedding and was wearing a kilt when he battered and robbed Jack Smith at his family home.

He then forced the lad into a motor but crashed at a nearby roundabout in Glasgow.

Judge Lord Turnbull jailed him at the High Court in Edinburgh and slammed his “violent and antisocial conduct”.

In court on Friday, Sheriff Colin Pettigrew warned he would need to be mindful of Orr’s previous conviction when sentencing him for the knife rap.

He said: “You have been on remand since October 1. I take that into account.

“You say you have never used a knife during previous offending. Advertisin­g Feature

“But I do have to deal with it against your previous offending.

“I think I can stop short of a custodial sentence.

“Provided you are in agreement, I can impose a Restrictio­n of Liberty Order at your mum’s address.

“It is a direct alternativ­e to custody.

“If you are foolhardy enough to breach it, it is almost inevitable custody will be imposed.”

Orr, of Blythswood Drive, has been ordered to remain indoors between 8pm and 7am for five months.

He moved into a flat and didn’t have any cutlery. His friend brought him it to cut a cake Alastair Gray

 ??  ?? Knife yob Darryl Orr
Knife yob Darryl Orr

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