Paisley Daily Express

Thug now on four month dusk-to-dawn curfew

- Ron Moore

A brute who throttled his ex-girlfriend in a row over money has been ordered to wear an electronic tag.

Scar- faced James Kerr, 41, choked his partner Amanda McIntyre when she tried to flee his flat following a nasty row over cash.

Kerr also pinned her to a wall but she was saved when a neighbour heard her screaming during the disturbanc­e that took place in Paisley’s Johnston Street.

The yob claimed he grabbed her after she refused to quieten down in the row over his “backdated” money from the social security.

He said: “I got backdated money from the DHSS and she was demanding half of it. “She wanted me to buy heroin. “She was shouting and bawling in my hallway.

“If I was choking her that hard, how come she’s not even got a mark on her?”

However, he was convicted after trial at Paisley Sheriff Court of assaulting Ms McIntyre by putting his hands around her neck, pinning her against a wall and blocking the doorway to prevent her from leaving.

He was also found guilty of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner by shouting, swearing and acting in an aggressive manner towards her and of a separate charge of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner towards two police officers on April 13.

Defence agent Terry Gallanagh said: “He still maintains his position but understand­s the determinat­ion made by the court is on the evidence.

“He has gained some stability in his lifestyle and I would ask the court to consider handing him a sentence as an alternativ­e to custody, namely a Community Payback Order.

“The only substance he now receives is methadone.

“He would be willing to comply with terms of an order including unpaid work.”

Sheriff Tom McCartney took the view the offence demanded to be marked by a dusk-to-dawn curfew.

He said: “In respect of this offence, I have decided there is a direct alternativ­e to imprisonme­nt and I will make a Restrictio­n Of Liberty order.

“You will be required to remain at your home address for four months between 7pm and 7am.

“If you don’t comply, or tamper with the device, this will be reported and you will be brought back to court.”

He put his hands around her neck, pinned her against a wall and blocked the doorway to prevent her from leaving

 ??  ?? Brute James Kerr
Brute James Kerr

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