Paisley Daily Express

Drink-driver nabbed after Tesco tip-off

Staff called cops over woman who was nearly three times the limit

- Express Reporter

A Paisley woman has been banned from the road for three years after racking up her second drinkdrivi­ng conviction.

Barbara Petrie, 46, was nearly three times the limit when she drove from her home in the town’s Anchor Drive to the Tesco store in East Lane.

She was driving so erraticall­y on the half-mile journey that she forced another driver to perform an emergency stop and worried another motorist so much they contacted the police.

Petrie had earlier pleaded guilty to a charge of driving while nearly three times the drink-drive limit on Seedhill Road on June 24 this year.

Sentencing was adjourned for background reports to be prepared and she appeared in the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court this week to be sentenced.

Procurator Fiscal Depute Frankie Morgan explained: “Witnesses were travelling to Tesco in East Lane and were travelling westbound on Seedhill Road.

“They became aware of a van pulling out of Anchor Drive, where the accused resides, on to Seedhill Road – in to the path of another vehicle, heading eastbound.

“This caused the eastbound vehicle to have to perform what appears to be an emergency braking manoeuvre to avoid a collision.

“The witnesses describe the manner of driving as being ‘erratic’ and ‘all over the road’.

“They observed a female to be driving.”

They all pulled in to the Tesco car park in East Lane and the witnesses walked passed Petrie, noting she smelled strongly of alcohol.

They told staff within the store and the police were contacted.

But by the time they caught up with her she was back at her home in Anchor Drive, and answered the door to the officers.

She was taken to the police station where she was breath tested and had her blood taken, revealing she had 142 milligrams of alcohol in 100ml of blood – nearly three times the 50mlg limit.

Defence solicitor Rhona Lynch said Petrie had an alcohol problem and was struggling in her personal life at the time of the offence.

The lawyer explained: “She was married for 14 years but has recently split up with her husband.

“He has moved back in to the family home to provide her with support. Whilst their relationsh­ip is over, he continues to provide her with a significan­t degree of support.

“She is desperatel­y sorry for her conduct, which has occurred against a background of a drink problem.”

She said Petrie had a good work ethic, having worked as a carer and studied nursing, and previously ran her own dog walking business.

But she said she lost the business after being banned from driving in 2015 for a previous drink-driving offence.

And she said she had “sought solace in alcohol” following the deaths of her father and mother from cancer, before her sister passed away in 2016.

Sheriff Lindsey Kooner banned Petrie from driving for three years, placed her on a 15-month Community Payback Order, which will see her supervised by social workers, and told her to undergo the drink drivers’ rehabilita­tion scheme.

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