Paisley Daily Express

Man is warned over his violence


A man who battered his expartner and left children petrified by smashing his way into a house uninvited has been told to stay out of trouble.

Zeeshan Ahmad set about Zara Avi at a property in Tower Avenue, Barrhead, in August this year.

Ahmad, 31, grabbed her by the body and pushed her on to a couch.

He also assaulted Abdul Samed Arjumand on the same occasion by grabbing his clothes and causing them to rip.

And he placed both Miss Avi and Mr Arjumand, and two children who can’t be named for legal reasons, in a state of fear or alarm by acting aggressive­ly, forcing his way inside the property, and shouting and swearing at Miss Avi while the kids looked on.

Ahmad pleaded guilty to the three charges against him at a previous court hearing.

When he appeared in the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court to be sentenced, defence solicitor Rhona Lynch told Sheriff Lindsey Kooner that Ahmad was due to go to Pakistan to look after a relative who was unwell.

As she deferred sentence on Ahmad for three months for him to be of good behaviour, to allow him to go and tend to his family member, Sheriff Kooner said: “I am concerned about the conduct in this matter.

“If you are of good behaviour then I might consider dealing with this matter in a way I might otherwise not have done.”

She also continued considerat­ion of whether or not Ahmad, of Darnley, should be placed on a NonHarassm­ent Order, which would ban him from having any contact with his ex, until his next court hearing in connection with the case in March.

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