Paisley Daily Express

Bereaved families deserve much better

Celebrant hits out at the state of cemetery’s roads

- Kenneth Speirs

A former undertaker who is now a celebrant has blasted the state of a council-run cemetery.

Tommy McShane, who has decades of experience in the funeral business, said Hawkhead Cemetery is a “disgrace” and many grieving families have complained to him.

He said: “Seriously, if you were to drive to the main gates of the cemetery, the main road leading to the top, it’s just a complete patchwork of potholes.

“There must be at least 30 potholes on that stretch of road alone. “It really is disgracefu­l. “And, of course, in this inclement weather they’re filled with water.

“And they are a real danger to people walking up and down, going to the cemetery.”

We reported in June that Renfrewshi­re Council announced its cemeteries were in line for a £1 million boost to improve surroundin­gs for people to pay their respects.

Drainage systems, roads and pathways were to be the main focus of the funding in a bid to ensure the cemeteries are dignified places for bereaved families to visit.

Councillor Cathy McEwan, convener of Renfrewshi­re Council’s Infrastruc­ture, Land and Environmen­t Policy Board, said at the time the council recognised the need to provide an appropriat­e setting for those who have lost a loved one to not only lay them to rest, but also for them to return to visit.

But Mr McShane said there had been no improvemen­t to the surroundin­gs of Hawkhead.

“There was a big hoo- ha and photograph in the paper with Cathy McEwan saying they were going to spend the money on it,” he said.

“I was told by one of the council officials that the money had in fact been spent and it was all spent on drainage “But the place is just a shambles. “It’s a damn shame to see it for people who go in regularly.

“Luckily, we don’t have the weeds in the winter, but it was terrible during the summer and it’s just been allowed to go.”

Grieving families speak out on the state of the cemetery all the time, Mr McShane added.

“I was up there last week and the families were commenting on it, the state it was in,” he said.

“I’ve been up in the last few weeks with families and they mention it all the time.”

Mr McShane has now written to Councillor McEwan, calling on her act to bring the cemetery back up to the high standard it was in past years.

“Hawkhead Cemetery was always beautiful, and the council have said they were going to bring it back up,” he said.

“That was six months ago and there’s nothing tangible to see yet.

“I’m told that they’ve been working on the drains and I’m told they’ve spent a lot of money on it.

“How true that is, or exactly what has happened, I honestly don’t know because obviously you can’t see anything that has been done.

“But you can see the potholes in the road and they’re getting worse.

“They are really a disgrace, a total disgrace.”

Councillor McEwan, said bad weather has caused some damage.

She explained: “We recognise the importance of a cemetery’s appearance to those visiting their loved ones and work hard to ensure they are suitably maintained.

“Poor weather conditions have caused problems with potholes at the main entrance and we will address this.

“Plans are also in place to invest £ 500,000 in Hawkhead cemetery to improve the drainage and road surfaces, with work scheduled to start in spring.

“This is part of more than £ 1 million being invested to improve the infrastruc­ture our nine cemeteries across Renfrewshi­re.”

 ??  ?? Craters Tommy McShane blasted the number of potholes on the cemetery road
Craters Tommy McShane blasted the number of potholes on the cemetery road

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