Paisley Daily Express


- Ron Moore

A teenage terror has been caged for 15 months after sparking mayhem at the Paisley Cent re during an attempted shopliftin­g spree.

Fo u l - m o u t h e d yob Christophe­r Jones, 19, yelled abuse at a security officer who clocked him skulking around the shops even though he was barred.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Jones, who was also barred from intu Braehead for shopliftin­g, turned the air blue when approached by the vigilant centre guard.

Fiscal depute Franke Clarke said: “The accused was known to the witness to be a person who was barred from the premises.

“She approached him. He walked towards her. She requested he leave and he

he turned aggressive. She tried to calm him down but he responded by getting in her face.’

“He was shouting, ‘Who are you talking to? You fat cow!’

“This caused the witness anxiety.

“She felt threatened by the accused.

“It caused her to stop and move away from him.

“She was trying to calm him down without success when he started towards her and once again got in her face, where he said ‘Don’t talk to me you f***ing boot.’”

The court heard shoppers, including families with young children who were close by, witnessed the clash.

Jones stomped off shouting: “I don’t give a f***!” and added “There is nothing you can f****** do,” which was heard by witnesses.

Police who were contacted scoured CCTV images and identified Jones as the culprit.

Jones appeared from custody where he pleaded guilty to a charge of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner likely to cause a reasonable person fear and alarm in that he shouted and swore at Corrina Morrison in the course of her employment on September 20 at the Paisley Centre.

He also admitted stealing a quantity of electrical goods from Tesco in Newmains Road, Renfrew, on September 13.

The yob also pleaded guilty to stealing a quantity of gaming equipment from Asda, Linwood Road, Paisley, on October 3 and later stealing a gaming controller from the same Asda on October 10.

Defence agent David Nicholson said the desperate teenager had turned to shopliftin­g in order to raise cash to pay off his debts to drug dealers.

He said: “He does owe money to certain people who made it clear that if the money wasn’t forthcomin­g he would be subject to violence.

“There is a problem with drug misuse and the repeated commission of these crimes, both to fund his drug habit and to make repayments, explain the background.

“He is a troubled young man who has shown significan­t immaturity towards these offences.

“He would benefit from close areas of support in tackling these issues.”

Sheriff David Pender, who had called from background reports prior sentencing to Jones, of Abercorn Street inPaisley, voiced concern the yob was spending £50 a day on drugs.

He added: “You have previously been given a chance with the imposition of a Community Payback Order which you failed to comply with.

“If you continue to behave the way you are, you will be spending the rest of your life in custody.”

He handed Jones 15 months behind bars.

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