Paisley Daily Express

Injury forces Callum to miss trip to Japan

Marathon return is on hold

- Craig Ritchie

Callum Hawkins’ long-awaited return to the marathon goes on after the Habbie was forced to pull out of his comeback this weekend.

The record- breaking Scot had been scheduled to travel to Japan, however a hamstring injury has put the buffers on any hopes of a return to action.

The Kilbarchan AAC athlete has not finished a race over the distance since finishing fourth at last year’s World Championsh­ips in London.

His last attempt came at April’s Commonweal­th Games, where his medal hopes were dashed after he collapsed over the closing stages whilst leading the race.

Hawkins, who also competed in Japan last year, had targeted his return at the Fukuoka Marathon.

However, injury has robbed him of that chance and it is now likely that he will have to face off against Olympic legend Mo Farah in London if he is to hold any hope of earning selection for next year’s World Championsh­ips in Doha.

Hawkins said: “I had a strong build- up to the Fukuoka Marathon and was really looking forward to toeing the line with some of the world’s best marathoner­s once again.

“It was wonderful when I won the Marugame Half Marathon in 2018 so I was excited to be returning for the second time to a country I love to compete in.

“Unfortunat e l y , a slight niggle in my right hamstring has occurred this past week, preventing me from running at race pace.

“I’m therefore gutted I had to make the tough call to withdraw from the race.

“Thanks to the race organisers for the invitation and everything that they have done for me up to now, and I wish everyone competing an excellent race weekend.”

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