Paisley Daily Express

Drug dealer in dock after trip to cop shop


A dopey drug dealer landed himself in trouble after driving to a police station claiming he had lost £700.

Lewis Reid, 21, burst into the office and claimed he had lost a wad of £20 notes.

His bizarre behaviour made cops suspicious.

They searched his motor and found bags of cocaine and scales covered in white powder.

Reid admitted selling the class-A just weeks after pleading guilty a revenge porn rap at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Prosecutor Carol Cameron told how a member of the public spotted his car parked next to another in a suspected deal just before he arrived at the station.

She said: “He attended at Paisley police office to report a few hours before, while his car was parked in a Tesco car park, he had lost or had £700 in mixed £20 notes taken.

“Around the same time, police received an anonymous call regarding an alleged drug deal seen at a slip road of the M77.

“A car was identified as the accused’s and a black Audi. A descriptio­n of the accused was passed along with details of what was alleged to have happened.

“He matched the descriptio­n given – a tracksuit, Gucci hat and white shoes.

“He gave various versions of events, changing key informatio­n.

“He appeared agitated and nervous.

“He refused to give details of who was within the car and what he was doi ng. He was detained for a search.

“A car key was found.

“He initially said his car was at Barrhead train station and he got a taxi to the police office.

“When officers left they saw the car parked at the Lagoon Leisure Centre.

“He at first said a friend must have driven it there, then admitted he had.

“Police recovered numerous items, including a set of digital scales from the driver’s side door.

“It had remnants of white powder.”

Reid visited the police station shortly before 7am.

He claimed he had lost or had a stash of cash stolen while his car was parked outside a supermarke­t at the Silverburn mall.

But cops pulled him aside after he began acting erraticall­y.

They tracked down his motor and found zip lock bags containing cocaine and gear for separating and measuring hits.

Officers obtained a search warrant and gutted his home after the stunt on January 8 last year.

Reid at first admitted he had been using cocaine.

But then conceded he had been supplying it to pals.

His lawyer gave no explanatio­n for his behaviour.

Reid was back in the dock after admitting sending a video of his teenage ex-girlfriend showering to pals.

The weirdo passed the clip to friends using Snapchat – with the caption “4 laughs”.

He was placed under supervisio­n and ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid work in 12 months.

Prosecutor Margaret McCallum told how he embarrasse­d his victim after they split after four months.

She added: “Fo l l owing terminatio­n of the relationsh­ip, the complainer blocked the accused on all social media including Snapchat.

“The complainer was at home when she received a message about a Snapchat image sent to one of her friends.

“The friend asked the complainer if she had seen the accused’s Snapchat story.

“She said she hadn’t.

“This featured footage of the complainer in the shower, which had been taken two months before.

“She was completely nude and was washing herself. During the video the complainer attempts to cover herself up.

“At that point she became very disturbed and upset.

“She was aware of several people who were on the accused’s friends list.

“They would be able to view the footage for up to 24 hours and possibly record the footage onto other devices.”

Reid is already on a courtorder­ed curfew and must remain indoors between 7pm and 7am.

Sheriff James Spy warned he could now face jail for drug dealing.

He said: “With some trepidatio­n, I will grant you bail.

“The fact that I am doing so should not be taken by you that you will not get a custodial sentence. “This is a serious charge.”

Reid, of Kilbarchan Road, Bridge of Weir, has been ordered to return to the dock on March 14.

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