Paisley Daily Express

Brexit chaos is tearing us apart


When we look back on our history it is fairly reasonable to conclude that Scotland has been an outward looking nation, communicat­ing with other nations to develop trade or alliances.

There are ancient documents relating Kings, Queens and Popes looking to develop relationsh­ips and occasional­ly ask for a bit of support.

In the 17th century Scots began to move to other European nations to provide their servicesto­n the armies of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and France.

In fact, the great grandfathe­r of Norway’s greatest composer, Edvard Grieg, was Scottish and changed the spelling of his name from Greig.

With Europeans travelling to the ‘new world’ and the imperialis­m of Great Britain, Scots were a fundamenta­l part of the developmen­t of new states.

The first Prime Minister of Canada was a Scot, John Macdonald.

You may say that’s all very good George – what’s the point?

Well, the point is we have just seen another vote at Westminste­r that voted down the Prime Minister’s plan to leave Europe.

Leaving Europe is well and good as long as those that support it are honest.

The phrases on buses were anything but.

All the analysis says that the economy of the UK will be damaged. Large businesses are leaving and setting up in Europe.

Okay, you may say that this may be difficult for a few years. But we have to encourage businesses to invest in our country and let our businesses invest in their countries. Being viewed as the country that does not play well with others and does not like things that are not created from within, is in my opinion not the best way to show the world that this is the place to invest, create jobs and is the friendly place that we would like to be viewed as.

We all know that Scotland as a nation voted to remain within the EU. Something that was promised if we voted to remain part of the UK. That was not true.

At this time, we are being driven to leave the EU not for the benefit or the prosperity of the British people. We are being driven by a political party that has always been uneasy with our part in Europe.

The reason that the European referendum happened was to stop a political party being overtaken by UKIP. This was a move of preservati­on by the Conservati­ve party.

I am concerned. Concerned that the choice we now face at this present time between deal or no deal is a dilemma that will continue to haunt our nations in the future.

If there is a deal with Europe then this will not put to rest the half of the Conservati­ve party that wants out of Europe lock, stock and barrel. These arguments will continue to our detriment because one political party has a disagreeme­nt with itself. I think these will continue, fester and will never leave.

We are facing these questions right now. We have challenges but I think that Scotland is still that outward looking nation, looking to forge relationsh­ips with like minded nations and to help mutual progressio­n.

The evidence was in the result of the European referendum in Scotland. I think that is the way to develop your place in the world. Being viewed as isolated is something that I don’t think will sit well with the Scottish tradition.

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 ??  ?? Concern over Brexit AdamGeorge
Concern over Brexit AdamGeorge

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