Paisley Daily Express

Woman fled house in her pyjamas after brute showered her with Buckfast


A bully doused his terrified girlfriend in Buckfast forcing her to flee into the street in just her pyjamas.

Alistair King, 30, poured tonic wine all over Samantha Brisco after fuming: “I’ll give you something to tell the police.”

Cops smashed their way inside and found him cowering in the loft.

King admitted threatenin­g his partner during a hearing at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Prosecutor Eoin McGinty told how he turned his fury on the woman during a spat.

He said: “They had been drinking.

“She described how initially both of them were in good spirits.

“An argument broke out. “Neighbours heard shouting and banging coming from the home.

“They could here her shouting incoherent­ly.

“He was shouting, ‘F******g tell the police? I’ll give you something to tell the police’.

“At that point he poured the contents of an open bottle of Buckfast over her head.

“She ran wearing only pyjamas and screamed for help. “Police arrived.

“There was no answer.

“Given concerns for safety, they forced entry and found him hiding in the attic.

“He was shouting and swearing loudly at the police.

“Due to the potential danger of falling through the ceiling, police officers came out of the attic and, after a period of time, he also came out.

“He became aggressive and struggled with the police and one of the officers received a cut to her hand.”

King turned nasty during a row at the couple’s former home in Paisley’s Knock Way.

Ms Brisco fled to a pal’s to escape his wrath after he began lashing out.

Cops were called after neighbours raised the alarm fearing for her safety.

King had been charged with grabbing her by the hair and banging her against a way.

But the claims were dropped after he admitted terrorisin­g the woman and soaking her with wine last November 10 .

The brute also pled guilty to obstructin­g police by bawling and tussling with officers.

Defence lawyer Dav i d Nicholson insisted his client was normally a hard- working dad. He said: “He’s in full- time employment.

“He’s a tree surgeon. He has a young daughter aged four.

“He had been living with the complainer prior to this. He is currently residing with his mum.”

King committed the offence while on bail for another matter.

Sheriff James Spy warned he could face a stark punishment when he is brought back.

He said: “Your bail is continued with special conditions.”

King, of Hamilton, will return to the dock for sentencing next month.

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