Paisley Daily Express

Man is warned to finish work


A brother claims he shirked unpaid work because he was busy caring for his ill sister.

Christophe­r Turley, 34, was ordered to carry out community service for sparking a row.

He has been warned he is on his last chance after thumbing his nose at the punishment.

Turley was placed under supervisio­n when he returned to the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Defence lawyer Bob Coyle asked for his client to be put on a curfew instead.

He said: “One of the reasons for his nonengagem­ent is he has a sister, who, shortly after the order was imposed, he was caring for.

“She suffers from autism and a schizophre­nic disorder.

“He’s not told his supervisin­g officer about that.

“He tells me he was caring for her until she was admitted to hospital.

“I have explained to him the court may be considerin­g a Restrictio­n of Liberty Order.

“He tells me he would engage if the court made a further Community Payback Order.”

Turley was rapped for causing a disturbanc­e outside a block of flats in Gallowhill.

He bawled foul-mouthed rants at the block in Netherhill Road, Paisley, on June 4, 2016.

The court heard his life had been chaotic but he now has his own tenancy.

His lawyer told how he also has regular contact with his two children, aged six and eight.

Sheriff James Spy gave him another shot at completing unpaid work. He said: “I am not prepared to impose a Restrictio­n of Liberty Order.

“You will now have a supervisio­n element.

“There will be a period of 180 hours of work to be done in 10 months.

“It is an alternativ­e to custody.”

Turley, of George Street, has been told to return to the dock for a review on May 17.

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