Paisley Daily Express

MP Gavin shows his support to Catalans


Gavin Newlands, SNP MP for Paisley and Renfrewshi­re North, has thrown his support behind a democratic process to bring an end to the Catalan crisis.

This follows the start of the trial of many proindepen­dence Catalan politician­s and activists, some of whom have been remanded in prison for over a year on charges of rebellion and sedition. The 12 defendants include the president of the Catalan Parliament and two civil society leaders.

Mr Newlands has drawn the public eye towards the links between Paisley and Renfrewshi­re North and Catalonia, including the connection­s to the small village of Borgonya where the local team plays in St Mirren style stripes due to their common history with the Coats group.

Speaking up for the 12 accused, Mr Newlands said: “I am proud to join MPs from across parties to stand in solidarity with the Catalan political prisoners who this week begun their trial on medieval charges of rebellion and sedition.

“Catalan proindepen­dence parties went into an election with a promise that they would hold a referendum on their independen­ce, this gave them an undeniable mandate. The Spanish Government cannot continue to ignore these democratic calls forever.

“Regardless of your opinion on Catalan Independen­ce, one thing is certain, namely that as enshrined in article 1 of the UN Charter, the right of Self-Determinat­ion must be protected all over the world. It is an internatio­nal norm that must be respected and championed by everyone who claims to believe in democracy.

“The Spanish Government must agree to a fair and robust democratic process.”

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