Paisley Daily Express

Uni’s fitting memorial to trailblaze­r Dorothée


A pioneering engineer is to be recognised by Paisley’s university with a special commemorat i ve plaque.

Dorothée Pullinger trained as an apprentice engineer in Paisley before the First World War, and is famous for the lasting impact she made on the engineerin­g industry.

She designed a car for women, built by women, in the early 20th century.

The commemorat­ive plaque will honour Doro t h é e ’ s legacy, celebrate her Paisley connection and mark her considerab­le achievemen­ts in engineerin­g and entreprene­urship.

Helping to choose the design of the memorial plaque were relatives of Dorothée who had travelled from their home in Guernsey to UWS’ Paisley campus, a mile away from where she trained as an apprentice in 1909.

Dorothee’s daughter Yv e t t e L e Couv e y , granddaugh­ter Miya Le Couvey, and her husband James McDonald met the team of academics at UWS involved in the research into Dorothée’s legacy.

Academics Professor Katarzyna Kosmala, Tony Grace and Dr Evi Viza discussed the project led by Professor Kosmala of the uni’s School of Media, Culture and Society in collaborat­ion with the School of Computing, Engineerin­g and Physical Science.

Professor Craig Mahoney, principal and vice- chancellor of UWS said: “We were thrilled to host Dorothée Pullinger’s relatives Yvette, Miya and James at our Paisley campus.

“We were pleased to be able to share our plans with them for our commemorat­ive plaque.

“Dorothée’s legacy is known far and wide, and nowhere is it held more dearly than in Paisley.

“D o rothée was a trailblaze­r who followed her passions and forged a hugely successful career.

“He re at UWS we champion our students to chase their dreams, placing particular emphasis on removing barriers to subjects such as STEM ( Science Technology Engineerin­g Maths) so it was a real pleasure to be able to celebrate the achievemen­ts of this inspiring woman.”

Professor Kosmala said women in engineerin­g have historical­ly been very much in the minority.

“In 1914, despite her obvious talents as an engineer, the Institutio­n of Automobile Engineers refused to admit Dorothée in their articles of associatio­n,” she said.

“However, things were starting to shift with female engineers setting up the Women’s Engineerin­g Society ( WES), exactly one hundred years ago to encourage more women to pursue a career in engineerin­g.

“I am delighted we will be unveiling a plaque to commemorat­e Dorothée’s legacy and her achievemen­ts on our campus to tie in with the centenary celebratio­ns of WES.”

 ??  ?? Simon went from IT to GIS, leaving his code developer role to begin a journey to his dream job of researcher in geographic­al informatio­n systems:
Simon went from IT to GIS, leaving his code developer role to begin a journey to his dream job of researcher in geographic­al informatio­n systems:
 ??  ?? Tribute Professor Katarzyna Kosmala, Dr Evi Visa , Dr Nina Baker, Yvette Le Couvey, James McDonald, Miya Le Couvey, Professor Carl Schaschk, Ilona Koscieja, and Jo Macguire at the event to honour Paisley engineer Dorothée Pullinger (inset)
Tribute Professor Katarzyna Kosmala, Dr Evi Visa , Dr Nina Baker, Yvette Le Couvey, James McDonald, Miya Le Couvey, Professor Carl Schaschk, Ilona Koscieja, and Jo Macguire at the event to honour Paisley engineer Dorothée Pullinger (inset)
 ??  ?? Family affair Dorothée ‘s daughter Yvette Le Couvey (centre) with her daughter Miya and husband James McDonald
Family affair Dorothée ‘s daughter Yvette Le Couvey (centre) with her daughter Miya and husband James McDonald

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