Paisley Daily Express

Lout pays the price for boozy invasion of garden


Drunken yobs invaded a garden – and trashed it while swigging booze.

Brothers Steven, 39, and Scott McMaster, 38, and Kenneth MacIver, 39, staggered into the yard while passing around a bottle.

They began hurling missiles at a window and subjected a woman to a “barrage of abuse” when she asked them to leave.

The trio admitted causing fear or alarm during a hearing at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Sheriff Tom McCartney hauled Steven McMaster into the dock for sentencing.

He said: “I intend to impose a Community Payback Order.

“It wi l l have one requiremen­t.

“And that is to carry out 90 hours of unpaid work for the benefit of the community.

“Any failure to comply with the order will be reported to the court.

“For any breach of the order, the court can impose a penalty and can deal with the case in a different way.”

The ma n targeted householde­r Nicola Murray after staggering into her garden.

They swigged booze and banged items.

Ms Murray asked them to leave.

But they hurled abuse at her, branding her a “f*****g cow”.

Police were called after they kicked off at the property in Erskine’s Park Grove shortly before 4pm on April 25.

Procurator Fiscal Depute Megan Glancy told how Ms Murray spotted the men after hearing banging.

She said: “She looked out her window and observed the three accused to be leaving her front garden.

“She went to her front door and told them to leave.

“All three became verbally abusive towards her.

“She was subject to a barrage of abuse. Including them calling her a ‘ f****** cow.’

“Neighbour Scot Stevenson, who could hear Ms Murray shouting, looked out his window where he observed Kenneth MacIver to be standing in his driveway.

“He then observed Steven and Scot McMaster coming into his driveway.

“When he went to the front door, he too was subject to a barrage of abuse.

“They told him ‘f*** off.’

“One of accused was in possession of a green bottle of which all three accused were partaking.

“The complainer told them she was contacting police.

“All three accused began throwing items at the windows and front door of her property.

“She called police and while doing so could hear glass smashing.

“Her neighbour Scot Stevenson then left his property to confront the accused, however, all three had made off.”

Defence lawyer Gemma Elder revealed punishment was delayed on Steven McMaster because he had to be tested to see if he could take on community service.

She said: “There were concerns about his fitness to carry out unpaid work. “He is fit to do it.

“The author of the report says it may be of benefit to him.”

Scott McMaster and MacIver were both previously ordered to complete 90 hours of unpaid work.

Sheriff McCartney imposed an identical sentence for the third man.

He added: “I have now had the benefit of the report.

“I consider the sentence imposed should be the same as those of your co-accused.”

Steven and Scott McMaster, both of Greenock, and MacIver, formerly of Erskine, but now living in Stornoway, Western Isles, have been given three months to complete the work.

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