Paisley Daily Express

Hunt is on for teen who bottled cop


A teenager who bottled a cop is being hunted after she failed to appear for sentencing.

Shanice South, 19, clubbed PC Maciek Gotfred with the weapon after sparking a street rammy.

She had been due to face punishment – but did not turn up.

A warrant was issued for her arrest at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Defence lawyer Tony Callahan admitted he had received no contact from his client.

He said: “I haven’t seen her this morning.

“I have no explanatio­n for why she is not here.”

South attacked the officer on Paisley’s Gleniffer Road.

She raised the bottle and cracked him on the skull on May 16 last year.

Cops had been summoned after a rammy in the street.

South was rapped earlier this year when she clawed her boyfriend’s mum’s face in a jealous row.

She scratched at Carol Tarbert – then spat at police called to take her away.

She was eventually arrested and dragged away from the town’s Dalskeith Crescent.

Prosecutor Claire Rowan told how she turned nasty last November 23.

She said: “The accused had been consuming alcohol with other people.

“The accused had recently began a relationsh­ip with William Tarbert.

“There had been some discussion that evening where Mr Tarbert had been in contact with an ex-partner.

“The accused became involved in an argument with Carol and William Tarbert and was ushered out of the house.

“She returned and grabbed Carol Tarbert by her head and scratched her on the cheek.

“She was removed from the house again.

“Carol Tarbert contacted police who attended the scene of an on- going disturbanc­e.

“The accused was traced by police officers who attempted to place handcuffs on her.

“During this the accused repeatedly kicked a constable on the body.

“She then spat in the face of another constable with spittle landing in his left cheek.”

South was placed under supervisio­n for attacking the woman and gobbing on the cop.

She was also ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work in six months.

Sheriff Tom McCartney called for police to bring her in after she noshowed her latest dock appearance.

He said: “Given her failure to appear, I shall grant a warrant.”

South, of Argyle Street, Paisley, will face further punishment when she is apprehende­d.

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Little Suki
Missing Little Suki

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