Paisley Daily Express



A drug dealer was nabbed with cocaine in his car after showing up at a Paisley police station to complain about stolen cash.

Lewis Reid, 22, who previously supplied pills that killed a teen girl, is behind bars after turning up at Mill Street to report £700 of his money had been taken, before savvy cops rumbled him.

Reid was locked up for ten

months when he appeared in the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court yesterday for sentencing.

Prosecutor Carol Cameron told the court Reid was spotted carrying out a suspected deal just before he arrived at the station.

She said: “He attended at Paisley police office to report he had lost or had £700 in £20 notes taken.

“Around the same time, police received an anonymous call regarding an alleged drug deal seen at a slip road of the M77.

“A car was identified as the accused’s.

“A descriptio­n of the accused was passed, along with details of what was alleged to have happened.

“He mat c h e d the descriptio­n given – a tracksuit, Gucci hat and white shoes.

“He gave various versions of events, changing key informatio­n.

“He appeared agitated and nervous.

“He refused to give details of who was within the car and what he was doing.

“He was detained for a search. A car key was found.

“When officers left, they saw the car parked at the Lagoon Leisure Centre.

“Po l i c e re cov e red numerous items, including a set of digital scales from the driver’s side door.

“It had remnants of white powder.”

Reid, of Kilbarchan Road, Bridge of Weir, visited the police station shortly before 7am.

He claimed he had lost, or had a stash of cash stolen, while his car was parked outside Tesco at Silverburn shopping centre.

But cops confronted him after he began acting erraticall­y.

They then found ziplock bags containing cocaine and gear for separating and measuring hits inside the vehicle, which was parked opposite the police station.

Reid pled guilty to drug dealing earlier this year, while also admitting a revenge porn offence involving an ex-girlfriend.

He had shared a video of her showering on the social media app Snapchat – with the caption “4 laughs”.

He was supposed to be sentenced over the drugs case, but failed to turn up for sentencing and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Yesterday, he returned to the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court to be sentenced.

Sheriff James Spy said: “You’ve been overtaken by other events and I intend to simply draw a line under these matters.”

He caged him for six months for the drugs case and a further four months for the revenge porn case.

The “other events” the sheriff referred to include a Kilmarnock Sheriff Court case where it emerged Reid had sold the ecstasy that killed Chelsea Bruce, 16.

Prosecutor­s said four teenagers, including Chelsea, clubbed together to buy ecstasy from Reid.

The teen fell seriously ill before being taken by ambulance to Glasgow Royal Infirmary, where she died.

Reid was told he may be sent to the High Court to be sentenced for the Kilmarnock case.

He gave various versions of events

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