Paisley Daily Express

Please look after yourself as you enjoy the festive season


In Inmanyresp­ectsthisha­sbeena many respects this has been a challengin­g year for police officers working in Renfrewshi­re.

Perhaps of most concern, we have seen far too many drugs deaths across Renfrewshi­re and Inverclyde, each one of which is a tragedy for the individual involved, their families and the wider community.

Many of these deaths arise from the consumptio­n of drugs that have been manufactur­ed and supplied illegally.

Clearly, the police have an important role to play in preventing unscrupulo­us dealers exploiting vulnerable members of society and over the last 12 months we have havecharge­d180indivi­dualswith charged 180 individual­s with possessing drugs with intent to supply and have seized drugs with a‘street’value running to millions of pounds.

This will continue to be a priority in 2020. However, over my time in Renfrewshi­re and Inverclyde I have been made increasing­ly aware through discussion­s with partners that we must also gain a better understand­ing of why people develop addiction issues in the first place and how best to support anyone who is experienci­ng difficulti­es.

Unfortunat­ely the festive season often sees a rise in crimes attributab­le in part to the unwise consumptio­n of alcohol.

Wedowantyo­utoenjoyyo­urselves We do want you to enjoy yourselves over the festive season and see a vibrant night-time economy in Renfrewshi­re, but please drink in moderation and look after yourselves and your friends when you are out about.

On a lighter note, I would like to thank everyone in Renfrewshi­re for supporting your local police officers and staff over the past year.

The vast majority of dealings we have had with the public have been very positive and the friendline­ss and empathy shown to my officers on so many occasions has made their job very rewarding.

Thisisvery­muchapprec­iatedandwe This is very much appreciate­d and we will do our best to retain your confidence and support next year.

Finally, on behalf of myself and my management team I would like to thank all police officers and support staff working in Renfrewshi­re for their dedication and sheer hard work over 2019.

You should be very proud of how you have gone about your duties and thoroughly deserve a Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.

 ??  ?? Season’s greetings Chief Superinten­dent Alan Murray
Season’s greetings Chief Superinten­dent Alan Murray

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