Paisley Daily Express

Drunk warned he would firebomb and slash ex-pals


A troubled man sparked terror after threatenin­g to firebomb and maim his former pals.

Gary O’Conner, 43, got tanked up and marched into a tenement close in Renfrew and warned he was coming to petrol bomb and slash people living there.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard O’Conner made the shocking claims against friends he had fallen out with when he went round to Porterfiel­d Road.

Procurator Fiscal Depute Ruth Cockburn told the court residents who heard the threats summoned police who found him lurking outside the property on September 6.

She said: “A witness could hear a disturbanc­e coming from outside the property.

“Another witness could hear sounds coming from downstairs and went to the door.

“On looking through the peephole the witness saw the accused.

“He said, ‘ I am going to petrol bomb you, you f****** bastards! He said, ‘ I am going to slash you and your neighbours.’

“Police were instructed to attend the address.”

The prosecutor added when cops turned up at the building, he was still loitering around outside the close.

He was promptly arrested, cautioned and charged by police.

He appeared in the dock before Sheriff Suhkwinder Gill where he pleaded guilty to a charge of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner where he repeatedly shouted, swore and uttered threatenin­g remarks.

Defence agent Jonathan Manson said: “He has serious learning difficulti­es.

“He would normally be accompanie­d by a support worker.

“These threats were made after a copious amount of drink had been consumed.

“Those involved were friends.

“However they stopped being friends of his and he went round to Porterfiel­d Road.

“He does have a record but his last conviction is more than three years old.

“His mother and his sister are currently in a position to apply for guardiansh­ip.”

The lawyer urged the court to consider handing him a community-based disposal which would help him with his alcohol problem.

Sheriff Gill voiced concern, telling him: “This must have been frightenin­g for the residents concerned with the threats that were made. Although I accept these were empty threats.”

She handed him a £ 225 fine, reduced from £ 250, because of his plea of guilty.

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