Paisley Daily Express

Care home worker is struck off for abusing vulnerable patients


A Paisley support worker has been struck off by the care watchdog for showing a “pattern of serious and abusive behaviour” against service users.

Ruth Monaghan, 50, has been removed from the Scottish Social Service Council (SSSC) register after a panel handed out the harshest sanction available following a hearing.

She was previously convicted of shouting and swearing at a dementia patient at Hillside View Care Home, in Paisley, and ordered to carry out 75 hours of community service.

Colleagues of Monaghan told a hearing they saw her repeatedly abuse and berate vulnerable residents, even mocking one for dribbling.

She was also accused of leaving fingerprin­t marks on a resident’s arm after grabbing her.

The incidents took place between April and May last year.

A SSSC panel heard from Monaghan’s workmates that she had verbally abused three residents.

In a judgement released this week, the SSSC said Monaghan would be removed from the register and banned from working with vulnerable people.

The report states: “The panel was conscious of the fact that a removal order is the most serious disposal.

“However, in your case, there has been a pattern of serious and abusive behaviour involving vulnerable service users.

“In all the circumstan­ces, the panel considers you are not suited to working with adults in a care home service.

“Your behaviour, values and attitudes make you fundamenta­lly unfit to be a member of a caring and responsibl­e profession.

“The only proper sanction in your case is a removal order.

“This is necessary on grounds of public protection and is in the wider public interest.

“Such an order will allow the public to continue to have confidence in the profession and in the SSSC as regulator.

“It was conscious of the fact that such an order is the most serious disposal.”

The panel also stressed that Monaghan had shown little insight or remorse over her behaviour.

Paisley Sheriff Court previously heard how Monaghan lost her temper with a disabled resident, who has since passed away, after she struggled to eat her lunch.

She had initially been accused of grabbing the resident, but was cleared of assault charges by Sheriff Tom McCartney following a trial.

However, she was found guilty of shouting and swearing at the OAP.

A witness told how Monaghan, of Renfrew, shouted, “You can f****** see your f****** dinner in front of you” at the resident.

A second witness described seeing Monaghan shouting at the distressed resident.

She told the court: “Ruth slammed the plate down and said ‘There’s your dinner’. She also slammed the spoon down on the table and was saying ‘Shut up! Shut up!”

She had also been accused of manhandlin­g the elderly woman, but she was found not guilty of these allegation­s.

 ??  ?? Banned Ruth Monaghan
Banned Ruth Monaghan

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