Paisley Daily Express

Jim’s song is just what the doctor ordered

Pensioner pens coronaviru­s tune to cheer up fellow Buddies self-isolating


A Paisley pensioner has come up with a catchy way to pass the time in isolation – by penning a song about the coronaviru­s.

Talented Jim Hannah, 79, has put pen to paper to write Don’t Let the Coronaviru­s Grow while spending time at home during the pandemic.

Jim, who has lived in Paisley for 50 years, started playing the ukulele after his brother bought him one for his birthday in January.

He was then inspired to write the song – which encourages people to stay at home and be safe – after he was sent a catchy song to learn by his older brother.

He told the Express: “The song isn’t mine – it is called Volcano by Jimmy Buffet.

“I just had an idea, given what is going on in the world just now, and I put the words to it.

“It is an important message, so hopefully people that hear it do like it and they do listen to what it says.”

Some of the lyrics featured in the song are ‘I want to go and see my kin, but I won’t go’ and ‘want to have a coffee with my mate, but then I’d self isolate/ So I won’t go’.

It has proved popular on social media, after Jim’s son Graeme Hannah shared it online.

One person commented: “Awesome! Brought a big smile to my face. Good man.”

Another added: “Brilliant! Loved it. Stay safe.”

Jim says he is glad people are enjoying his efforts.

He added: “I emailed it to a few friends and I got a good response.

“I’m glad that people like it.

“I know Graeme posted it on Facebook and a few people commented on it too.”

Jim is also taking heed of the message in his song and has been trying to make the most out of his time at home with his wife and two dogs.

Jim added: “We have a Border Collie and a King Charles Spaniel, so we are getting a short walk with them every day.

“It’s great to have them here for company just now while we are all having to stay home.”

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 ??  ?? Felling inspired Jim penned the song while in self isolation
Felling inspired Jim penned the song while in self isolation

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