Paisley Daily Express

We’re in total limbo

Fitzpatric­k pleads with bosses to reach a decision


St Mirren chief executive Tony Fitzpatric­k is pleading with the SFA and SPFL to come up with a definitive answer on how to complete the current campaign.

Scottish football authority chiefs are scheduled to take part in a video conference with UEFA today as the governing body share updates from their coronaviru­s working groups.

The meeting will look at developmen­ts across national team and club competitio­ns, as well as progress on plans for player contracts and transfers, with UEFA set to stick to their deadline for this season being wound up by June 30.

While Fitzpatric­k appreciate­s these are unpreceden­ted times and challenges for sport, he is adamant a decision must be made sooner rather than later so every club in Scotland can start properly planning for the future.

“I don’t envy anyone the task ahead to make such a bid decision,” he told Express Sport.

“But we’re in a total fog at the moment. We have no idea what deadlines we’re working to and only a definitive answer will give us the clarity we need to get out of this.

“I’d be amazed if we’re still able to play the last eight games of the current campaign.

“The players would have to get back up to full fitness, there are contracts due to expire in June and if one player gets the virus then the whole team he’s trained with would have to self-isolate.

“I know they’re wanting everything wrapped up by June 30 but realistica­lly that’s just not going to happen now. We’re not even at the peak of this horrible disease in this country.

“I think we’re looking at September or October before we have everything in place to get games back on again.

“There are enough good people within the SFA and SPFL to make the right decisions and help every club in Scotland get through this. That’s the main thing.”

While the St Mirren board are adamant they are financiall­y robust enough to make it through the coming months with no gate receipt cash, Fitzpatric­k admits the money handed out for the final standings would be welcomed during this difficult time should the authoritie­s call time on the current campaign.

Ninth place in the Premiershi­p, where the Buddies currently find themselves, would see the club pocket £1.31 million.

But Fitzpatric­k said: “It’s so important that every SPFL club survives this and that is going to be difficult.

“Handing out the money from the final standings would of course help. Thankfully, we’re not in a position where we’re in dire need of that, but I imagine some are.

“It’s so difficult to plan for the future at the moment because the situation is so unpreceden­ted.

“But everyone is sticking together. All the staff are adapting as best they can and we’ll be stronger for getting out the other side of this.

“The club is more important than any one person.

“The most important thing now is that the club survives this.”

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