Paisley Daily Express

Banks under fire for axing over half of their branches

Bosses are accused of putting profit before people


Renfrewshi­re has lost more than half of all its bank branches in the past decade.

In 2010, the area had around 35 branches, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics.

By 2019, it dropped by 57 per cent - a figure described as “alarming” by MP Mhairi Black.

Renfrewshi­re has seen one of the highest rates of decline in branch numbers in Scotland over the past ten years, with only Glasgow, Edinburgh and East Ayrshire seeing a greater fall.

The figures come from the Annual Business Count, and are rounded to the nearest five for each area.

They also show the number of branches operated by building societies has remained the same – five.

The news comes three months after the Express revealed the number of fee-charging ATMs is rocketing across Renfrewshi­re.

Around a third of all cash machines in Paisley are now charging people between 99p and £1.99 to withdraw as little as £10.

Ms Black, who has written to the UK Treasury demanding fairer access to cash and banking services, told the Express: “The figures from the Office of National Statistics are alarming.

“It is outrageous that over half of the bank branches in Renfrewshi­re have closed in the last decade.

“I have written to many branches in Renfrewshi­re since becoming an MP, urging them not to close.

“Unfortunat­ely, more often than not, branches have decided to close.

“Bank branches are essential for vulnerable and elderly people, not to mention those in rural areas and villages that have to travel miles in some cases to access a bank.”

The banking statistics come as the Financial Conduct Authority warns more bank closures are likely as an increasing number of people move to banking online.

It said footfall at some branches had fallen by 22 per cent since 2012.

But Paisley Northwest councillor Kenny MacLaren - who has campaigned with fellow councillor Stephen Burns to demand more free cash machines in Paisley - says the banks are putting profits before people.

“I knew the figures were bad, but I didn’t realise it was as bad as 57 per cent,” he said.

“More and more organisati­ons are expecting people to do everything online, but not everyone can afford, or is able, to do that.

“It is greed. The banks want to make more profit out of people.

“Going forward, the SNP group across the board will be campaignin­g to keep as many bank branches as possible open.”

Scotland, as a whole, has lost 40 per cent of its bank and building society branches in the past decade.

In 2010, the country had around 1,610 branches, which fell to around 970 by 2019.

Bank branches dropped from around 1,500 to around 835, while the number of building society branches has gone from 135 to 110.

I knew the figures were bad, but I didn’t realise it was as bad as 57 per cent

 ??  ?? Greed claims Kenny MacLaren
Greed claims Kenny MacLaren
 ??  ?? Outraged Mhairi Black
Outraged Mhairi Black
 ??  ?? Shut The Bank of Scotland, in Neilston Road, Paisley, is one of many that have closed in recent years
Shut The Bank of Scotland, in Neilston Road, Paisley, is one of many that have closed in recent years

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