Paisley Daily Express

We made a promise ... and we’ll see it through

Kiltwalk is on hold, but family insists they’ll do it ... one way or another


A family set to take part in their tenth annual Kiltwalk in memory of their son are still determined to complete it later this year.

Aidan Moir, who sadly passed away in 2012, aged just ten, suffered from Late Infantile Batten’s Disease, a degenerati­ve neurologic­al condition that slowly robbed him of the ability to walk, talk, see, eat or even hold himself up

His doting family, from Erskine, were expecting to participat­e in the event on April 26 before it was shelved due to the coronaviru­s crisis.

However, Team Aidan – aka Claire and Paul Moir – their children Connor and Rebekah and other family members and friends have vowed to walk in his memory as soon as it is safe to do so.

Paul did his first Kiltwalk in 2010 to raise much-needed funds for Robin House, in Balloch, where Aidan received vital care from the age of five.

Claire said: “The Kiltwalk may have been postponed, but we, as a family, are still determined to complete it one way or another as this is such an important year for us.

“We also want to do it in memory of Aidan and also for CHAS as Robin House was there for us every step of the way and helped us make so many amazing memories.

“Every year on the walk, we have Team Aidan T-shirts with his face on them, so he really is with us every step of the way and we always see his cheeky wee smile.

“If any of us are struggling to carry on the walk, we just look at his face. and think Aidan went through so much in his short life, so we can do this for him and we always finish it.

“As for the party, Team Aidan are all looking forward to having a big one when the coronaviru­s is all behind us – I think we will all be ready for one by then.”

During his short life, Aidan touched the hearts of many and, over the years, other family members and friends offered their support to the Moirs by joining in the Kiltwalk to help the family to continue raising funds for Robin House and Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS).

To date, Team Aidan has raised more than £22,000 for CHAS.

This year’s Kiltwalk was to be especially poignant for the family as Aidan would have celebrated his 18th birthday in May.

And 2020 is, in fact, a year of milestones for the Moirs, with the Kiltwalk being Paul’s tenth event, Connor turning 21 and Rebekah becoming a teenager.

In a bid to raise further Kiltwalk funds, and also mark all these special occasions, everyone in Team Moir had arranged a charity night, but that too has sadly been postponed for now.

Team Aidan has already collective­ly raised £ 1,500, which means £3,000 for CHAS following Sir Tom Hunter’s generous announceme­nt that the Hunter Foundation will top up all funds raised by an incredible 100 per cent.

CHAS Challenge events assistant Charlie Leavy said: “We are so grateful to Claire and all of Team Aidan for helping to raise so many funds over the years and it is heartening to hear they still intend to complete the walk for CHAS in Aidan’s memory later this year.

“All the money raised through sponsorshi­p and donations for CHAS through the Kiltwalk will help support families across Scotland by providing vital care and invaluable experience­s to help keep the joy alive for many children with life-shortening illnesses and their families across Scotland.”

 ??  ?? Committed Team Aidan are determined to walk in the memory Aidan, who died of
Batten’s Disease
Committed Team Aidan are determined to walk in the memory Aidan, who died of Batten’s Disease

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