Paisley Daily Express

This globe-hopping action a real fun trip


Spider-Man: Far From Home Sky Movies

There’s never been a better time for a superhero to come along and put smiles on people’s faces.

And that’s exactly what Spider- Man: Far From Home – now premiering on Sky Movies – does in one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s (MCU) biggest slices of pure fun.

Returning director Jon Watts maintains the bright and breezy tone of 2017’s excellent predecesso­r Homecoming.

The lighter mood – crammed with teenage hijinks, hilarious dialogue and Martin Starr and J.B. Smoove’s best-worst teacher chaperones ever – is a welcome relief after previous MCU entry Avengers: Endgame’s weighty resonance.

It’s not all fun and games though, with Holland’s hero tested to the limits, whether it be trying to court Zendaya’s MJ in an incredibly sweet romance, dealing with his aunt May’s (Marisa Tomei) burgeoning lovelife or coping with the loss of father-figure Tony Stark.

This was a role Holland was born to play and his reluctant hero Peter Parker is everything a teenager thrust into such imposing responsibi­lity should be.

Not counting space, the aptly titled Far From Home marks the first time we’ve seen Spidey out of his neighbourh­ood; Peter’s very own Euro trip – which admittedly drags a little and should really have his classmates clambering for return flights home – is more in keeping with the type of passport-stamping we’ve seen from James Bond.

Fifteen years after nearly playing SpiderMan, Jake Gyllenhaal is in sparkling form as Peter’s magical mentor Mysterio.

The movie’s big bad is an ingenious creation and the mid-credits scene among the MCU’s best ever, setting up a tantalisin­g next step in Spidey’s saga.

The Elementals laying waste to Venice and London is a treat for the eyes – but, crucially, the film never loses sight of the human peril at the heart of the action – and there’s a wonderful hallucinog­enic sequence that’s like a comic book come to life.

● What are your thoughts? How does Far From Home measure up to previous Spidey flicks? What would you like to see in the webslinger’s third MCU outing?

Pop me an email at ian.bunting@reachplc. com and I will pass on your comments – and any movie or TV show recommenda­tions you have – to your fellow readers.

 ??  ?? Webbed wonder Tom Holland’s Spider-Man with Zendaya’s MJ
Webbed wonder Tom Holland’s Spider-Man with Zendaya’s MJ

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