Paisley Daily Express

Stick to the Facts and you’ll be safe


Everyone is being reminded of the importance of following FACTS to help protect themselves and those taking the first steps out of lockdown.

The Health Secretary has outlined that compliance with FACTS is more important than ever as those who have been shielding start to follow the same guidance as the general public this week.

The acronym has been designed to help people remember to take the following vital steps to help stop the spread of coronaviru­s: Face coverings, Avoid crowded places, Clean hands and surfaces regularly, Two - m e t re phy s i c a l distancing, Self-isolate and book a test immediatel­y if they have coronaviru­s symptoms.

As phase three of the route map continues, everyone is being encouraged to play their part in helping the nation continue to emerge from lockdown, and protect the progress that has been made.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said: “Together, we have made great progress in tackling Covid- 19, but the situation remains fragile.

“We need to stick with it in order to keep the virus under control as lockdown restrictio­ns ease, protecting ourselves and those coming out of shielding.

“Anyone you walk past or come into contact with could have been shielding so it’s important to use protective measures with all.

“Individual­ly and together we are the first line of defence against this virus. Each letter of FACTS represents one of the vital measures we all need to follow to keep ourselves and those we love safe.

“The virus will only stay under control if we all do the right things. Following FACTS reduces the change of the virus spreading and I’d urge everyone to continue to do the right thing, to help us make progress, and protect our communitie­s.”

To find out more about FACTS and staying safe, visit­s

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