Paisley Daily Express

We’re working to make schools safe


As a parent and grandparen­t, I know the last few months haven’t been easy for any of Renfrewshi­re’s mums, dads, carers, children and young people.

So I’m sure you will have welcomed the announceme­nt by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon last week that Scotland’s schools and nurseries can return full-time this month.

In Renfrewshi­re we have now published our plans for how that will be managed – with a phased return seeing some pupils back from August 12 and all pupils back in by the Friday.

I’m sure our pupils and parents are looking forward to schools and nurseries opening for the first time since March, and I know our teachers and other school staff are looking forward to seeing you all again.

Our Children’s Services department has worked tirelessly over recent months to put plans and processes in place to ensure the return can be managed safely, that children and young people will feel at home, and that parents and carers are informed about what’s happening

On behalf of the council, my thanks go to them for that, as well as to all the other support staff across the organisati­on – such as cleaners, janitors, caterers and office staff – who are making sure everything is ready behind the scenes.

Of course this year’s school term will be different to others and we appreciate parents will have a lot of questions over how it will work.

The council website has a detailed FAQ section that tries to answer as many of them as we can ahead of the new term – it covers all the practical info around how things like lunches, uniform and transport are being managed.

I would encourage you to check that out at www.renfrewshi­­ools

I know one of the big concerns parents may have is around safety and I can assure you the health and well-being of our pupils and staff has been at the heart of our planning.

We have closely followed the Scottish Government’s guidance – based on the latest scientific advice – around all aspects of school and nursery reopening.

That advice suggests those under 16 are less affected by the virus and do not need to physically distance from each other.

However, schools and nurseries will be ensuring good hygiene and regular hand washing, while planning timetables, break times and pickups and drop-offs to stop large groups gathering.

We are also putting in a programme of enhanced cleaning in our buildings, for which the council is hiring 100 new cleaners.

Equally important to health is the well-being of our children. And, in that regard, I know our staff will do what they do best as they welcome them back after months spent learning from home and make sure the environmen­t feels welcoming and normal for them.

I hope all our parents and pupils enjoy the last week of your summer holidays and I wish the very best to all of you.

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