Paisley Daily Express




A Paisley sports coach has played a starring role in getting people active as lockdown eases.

Martin Mckellar, 25, of Get Active Coaching social enterprise, has gifted 50 physical activity packs to the Star Project for its staff and volunteers to distribute along with food parcels and craft packs.

He’s also collecting old and unwanted sports kit and equipment and is going to team up with the Star Project in Wallace Street again to give this away to people who need it.

Martin said: “We received £ 2,000 from the Corra Foundation, which helped us do the packs. It was one of the first funders we applied to so we were delighted.

“We made 50 physical activity packs which included booklets from the British Heart Foundation, a physical activity wheel from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, a pair of skipping ropes and a resistance band. I also included details of our online exercise classes where people can join in and get more support.

“We reached out to the Star Project because they would know people who’d be interested in the packs.

“Our other longer- term project is rehoming old and unwanted sports kit and equipment. I’ve got anything and everything in my flat so far – shin guards, mini golf sets, football shirts and football boots.

“These are things which are still in good condition that people aren’t going to use or their kids have grown out of that they were maybe going to donate to charity anyway.

“Again, the Star Project is going to help distribute the kit to people who are genuinely interested in it.”

Martin also plans to link up with the West End Growing Grounds Associatio­n ( WEGGA) in Paisley to promote gardening as a way for people to get active.

He’s also talking to Zero Waste Scotland about his rehoming sports kit project.

“I’m always looking for different ways exercise can benefit mental health as well as physical health,” he said. “I want to reach people who haven’t taken part in exercise before.”

Heather Kay, from the Star Project, said Martin’s physical activity packs have been well received so far.

“We’ve been distributi­ng food and well- being packs throughout lockdown so it made sense to go into partnershi­p with Martin,” she said.

“It’s something people were asking us for. They know they’ve been a bit unhealthy during lockdown or are getting bored. The packs have been really well received.

“They’re really accessible and that’s what the Star Project is all about, no barriers to participat­ion.”

To find out more about Get Active Coaching and donate old or unwanted sports and fitness equipment, go to­oach/

 ??  ?? Happy to help
Martin Mckellar
Happy to help Martin Mckellar

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