Paisley Daily Express

Lucas says thanks to hospital staff who care for him


A brave teen waiting to find out if he can get a lifesaving kidney transplant has handed over more than £300 to hospital staff who help care for him.

Lucas Webster, 19, went along to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital to give staff at the renal ward the cheque for £330.

The Paisley teen, who was born with renal failure, attends at the ward three times a week for dialysis, with each session lasting four hours.

He was inspired to fundraise for the ward to help pay for activities and supplies for patients while they are staying in the hospital.

The donation of £ 330 will help pay for toiletries and supplies for those who are admitted to the renal ward.

He managed to raise £650, which has been split between the ward and Kidney Care UK, which offers vital support to Lucas and other people in the UK living with renal failure.

His family has received support from the charity since Lucas was diagnosed with kidney failure as a young child.

Lucas’s proud mum Sandra, 52, says they are delighted to have raised more than double their initial target of £300.

She said: “We ended up raising more than double our original target which was brilliant.

“The money is going to be divided between the hospital and Kidney Care UK.

“Lucas is delighted with how much we raised and he is so grateful to everyone who donated.”

The Express previously reported how Lucas is waiting on surgery later this year to make him eligible for the transplant list for a new kidney - which is vital to save his life.

Lucas, who lives in Glenburn with Sandra and younger brother Callum, 16, has spent most of his life on medication to manage the renal failure, while facing a number of other health issues.

A year ago his kidney function reduced rapidly, forcing doctors to take action quickly to save his life.

Lucas, who has an extremely rare condition called Townes- Brocks syndrome, has since spent months in and out of the Queen Elizabeth University hospital in Glasgow, battling infections and he even contracted a deadly blood infection, which caused his heart to stop.

Sandra says she has been overwhelme­d at the support from the community.

She added: “We know that with things being difficult for everyone that not everyone who wanted to could afford to donate.

“But we want to thank everyone for their kind messages of support.

“It is so appreciate­d.”

We ended up raising more than double our original target which was brilliant

 ??  ?? Grateful Lucas hands over a donation to the Queen Elizabeth University Hopital
Grateful Lucas hands over a donation to the Queen Elizabeth University Hopital

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