Paisley Daily Express

Selfish lout threw kid’s chair when ex refused to hand over benefits

- RON MOORE Samuel Campbell

A selfish yob hurled his baby’s chair against a wall when his ex-girlfriend refused to lend him money she needed for their two children.

Samuel Campbell, 25, exploded at Michelle Roy when she told him she had to keep the cash for their kids and to save for Christmas.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Campbell lost the plot and shouted at Ms Roy before picking up the empty baby’s chair and hurling it at the wall of her home at St Margaret’s Court, in the town’s Gallowhill area, on October 30, last year.

Procurator fiscal depute Tanjeer Maleque told the court Campbell had already asked Ms Roy to help him obtain £ 20 from his sister, when he approached his ex and went on the scrounge.

He said: “At around 9am, the accused entered the property. He was looking for money from his sister and he asked the witness

Ms Roy to assist him.

“Ms Roy spoke with his sister and the accused met his sister at Gilmour Street Station, where obtained the money.

“At 2.20pm, he returned to the home address of Mr Roy and asked if he could borrow money. He knew she was about to be paid her benefits money.

“She told him, ‘No, you would only waste it’.

“Ms Roy said she needed the money for their children and to prepare for Christmas.

“He became angry and began to shout at Ms Roy.”

The court heard she asked Campbell to leave when he “threw a baby’s chair against a wall in the living room”.

The prosecutor added: “This created two holes in the wall and damaged a picture which had been hanging on the wall.”

Campbell, of Argyle Street, Paisley, appeared for sentencing after pleading guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner towards his ex-partner, by shouting at her and throwing a baby’s chair against a wall, causing damage.

He also admitted failing to turn up at court after having been released on bail.

Defence agent David Nicholson said his client’s behaviour towards social workers preparing background reports “would cause significan­t concern”.

He said: “His conduct was terrible. His attitude was completely unacceptab­le. He is a young man who finds it very difficult to hold back his emotions.”

Sheriff Tom McCartney told him: “This is the third conviction for domestical­ly aggravated offending.

“And, in terms of the report, there is no alternativ­e sentence appropriat­e for an offence involving the abuse of your partner.”

He handed Campbell 175 days behind bars, reduced from 210 days, because of his pleas of guilty to the charges.

He is a young man who finds it very difficult to hold back his emotions

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