Paisley Daily Express


Police recovered weapon from lout after search


A yob tooled- up with a blade claimed it was only for “cutting up carpets” when he was arrested by police.

William Kerr, 35, was under the influence of drugs when he was spotted stumbling around in the street in the Glenburn area of Paisley.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard that Kerr was approached by officers at Grampian Avenue on July 26 this year by officers on patrol in the community.

Procurator Fiscal Depute Scott Toal told the court: “The accused was stopped by officers for the purposes of a search under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

“He had been staggering around and was believed to be under the influence of illegal substances.

“A search of his person was carried out and officers recovered a lockback knife from his pocket.

“He was detained and taken into custody by police.”

Kerr appeared from custody where he pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing the offensive weapon, namely the knife, while in a public place without lawful authority or reasonable excuse.

Defence agent Mark Chambers confirmed his client was admitting responsibi­lity for the offence when he appeared before Sheriff Seith Ireland.

He said: “He ha s little recollecti­on of the event but tells me he only had the item on him as he had been cutting up carpets and had forgotten he had the knife on him.”

The lawyer urged the court take into account Kerr’s early plea of guilty in sentencing him.

Sheriff Ireland told him the court takes any offence involving the possession of a weapon “very seriously.”

He remanded Kerr in custody to call for criminal justice social work and post-sentence supervisio­n reports.

The court also ordered that Kerr undergo assessment for a drug treatment and testing order.

Kerr was previously jailed for producing cannabis at his address in Paisley.

He was also caught carrying a kitchen knife in the Ferguslie Park area of the town where he claimed it was only to “cut up his turkey.”

He will discover his fate when he appears for sentencing on October 28, this year.

He has little recollecti­on of events but tells me he had the item as he had been cutting up carpets

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