Paisley Daily Express

Support for covid survivors


People in Renfrewshi­re who have been hospitalis­ed with coronaviru­s will have access to a new national peer support network to help their recovery and rehabilita­tion.

Backed by almost £200,000 of Scottish Government funding, the charity ICU Steps will connect intensive care unit survivors and their families across Scotland to facilitate patient-led support groups, as well as offering a range of wellbeing resources to help with recovery.

It follows the publicatio­n of a report showing up to onethird of patients admitted to hospital developed serious mental health consequenc­es, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and cognitive problems.

In addition to the expansion of peer support, the government commission­ed report, produced by psychiatri­st Dr Nadine Cossette, made a number of other recommenda­tions which will be taken forward, through consultati­on with health boards. These include a network of mental health clinicians across Scotland, and a personalis­ed digital platform.

Mental Health Minister Clare Haughey said:“We know that treatment in intensive care and high dependency units can be particular­ly difficult for patients.

“This has been exacerbate­d in recent times by the fact that families have not been able to visit their loved ones.

“Most will go on to make a full recovery, but for others there is a higher risk of developing mental health issues.

“We welcome the report which sets out a number of actions.

“The creation of a national peer support network, led by patients, will be a significan­t first step to ensuring that services supporting those who have been affected are well placed to respond.

“We will now consult with health boards on how best to implement these proposals locally to ensure that people have the right support throughout their recovery from Covid-19.”

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