Paisley Daily Express

DJ mixes it up with new service


A Paisley DJ is calling for dance fans to dig deep to support a new service that beams live sets direct to your speakers during the pandemic.

Ewan Kelly, better known as Al Kent, is urging music lovers to back Stream the Scene.

The 52-year-old, who has worked with some the biggest names in the dance world through his label Million Dollar Disco, has now turned his attention to bringing live music to the living room.

With nightclubs likely to be one of the last places allowed to open following the pandemic, a new service, Stream the Scene, has been launched to help bring the live club experience to life.

Al has launched an online funding page designed to help DJs with the running costs of putting on the live shows.

He said:“Since lockdown began, we’ve all been waiting eagerly for clubs to reopen.

“Lockdown is now in wind down and the future’s looking a little more bright, but dancing together in a dark, sweaty basement is most likely still a long, long way off.

“So, to fill the gap in our lives where the weekend used to be, we’ve created Stream The Scene.

“Every weekend we’ll beam exclusive DJ sets direct to your speakers in the highest quality - visually and sonically - that your connection will allow in an attempt to transmit the excitement and good vibes DJs normally generate in the club, to your home.”

He added:“Not many DJs get paid the big bucks of the superstars, and right now most DJs aren’t getting paid at all.

“So we’re asking for a small donation to give something back for the great times these DJs have provided in the past, and to help keep the scene alive.

“There are costs involved in putting on these shows and we want everyone involved to get paid, so we are asking for donations.

“Think of it as an honesty jar, and please donate what you can if you like what you’re listening to.”

Al has spent most of his working life in the music scene and is also a producer and designer.

Last year, he played a series of sold-out shows at Glasgow venue SWG3 with his Million Dollar Orchestra set.

To donate to Stream the Scene, visit streamthes­cene

For more details, visit https:// streamthes­

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