Paisley Daily Express

Problem parking pilot to begin

Road restrictio­ns aim to tackle congestion


Work to introduce a traffic- calming pilot scheme around a Renfrew school is set to start during pupils’ October break next week.

Several measures will be put in place from Wednesday, in a bid to put an end to longrunnin­g issues with congestion and irresponsi­ble parking at school drop- off and pickup times around Newmains Primary.

Renfrewshi­re Council is set to put ‘keep clear’ markings on the corners where Sandy Road meets Lang Avenue and Baron Street.

Meanwhile, Lang Avenue will be closed throughout the pilot between Ailsa Road and Arran Road - which could become permanent if the test is successful.

Access will be maintained for residents, but drivers will not be able to use it as a through road.

The closure will enable parents and the school bus to park on Broadloan and have a safe walking route across Lang Avenue to access the school.

Councillor Jim Paterson, who represents Renfrew South, said he had raised concerns about congestion around the school numerous times and he hopes the move will make the area safer for families.

“This location is particular­ly difficult at school drop-off and pick- up times,” Councillor Paterson told the Express.

“I, along with other councillor­s, have attended the school at these times and there is clearly an issue with the volume of cars and the way in which some people are parking.

“This pilot is the best option that has been presented by the environmen­t department after we have raised the issue several times over the past three years.

“I hope the measures will improve the situation for residents, pupils and parents.

“No one solution is likely to completely solve the issue, but I feel this is a step in the right direction.”

Works are expected to finish on Sunday, October 17, ready for the pilot to begin when pupils return to school the following day.

It has not been confirmed how long the trial will last, but guidelines say the council can keep temporary measures in place for a maximum of 18 months.

However, Councillor Paterson said he didn’t expect it to last “anywhere near” that length of time and would be seeking feedback on the pilot in four to six weeks.

He added that he has requested trees are cut back on Broadloan and drains are cleared to make it easier for parents to park and environmen­t bosses have confirmed this will be done in time for schools returning after the October break.

It has also been confirmed pupils who use the school bus will be accompanie­d to and from it by school staff.

The SNP politician added: “I stress this is a pilot and hopefully will resolve the issue, but changes can and will be made as required.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Pilot Traffic calming measures are to be put in place to avoid congestion at school drop off and pick up times
Pilot Traffic calming measures are to be put in place to avoid congestion at school drop off and pick up times
 ??  ?? Step in the right direction Councillor Jim Paterson
Step in the right direction Councillor Jim Paterson

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