Paisley Daily Express

Dealer sold drugs from his bedroom

Stephen Rainey busted at family home


A drug dealer snared with £ 3,000 worth of herbal cannabis claimed: “It’s all mine,” when busted by cops.

Stephen Rainey, 21, had polythene bags of the Class-B drug stashed all over in his bedroom when the house in Erskine was raided by police acting on a tip off.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard officers armed with a search warrant swooped on the property at Umachan, Erskine, on July 10, this year, where they discovered his stash had been separated into bags of different weights and hidden away in drawers, a wardrobe and a cupboard.

Procurator fiscal depute Sobia Kidd told the court: “At around 6pm police officers attended at the address with a search warrant.

“As officers approached the property, they observed a numerous other people at the address.

“Mr Rainey was in bedroom number one and he was detained for the purpose of a search under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

“Thereafter, officers located green herbal material from his right hand trouser pocket.

“Further searches in the bedroom recovered a larger polythene bag containing a quantity of herbal material in a rucksack.

“Officers also recovered 12 bags of material in bags. They also found the same material in bags in a cupboard.”

The prosecutor added that Rainey was discovered to have 382 grams of cannabis in his bedroom, with a street value of £3,000.

She said: “The accused stated, ‘It is all mine. Every bit of it’.

“He said, ‘Absolutely everything that was found is mine’.”

He appeared in the dock where he pleaded possession of cannabis with intent to supply others.

A defence agent told how Rainey, who stays with his mum at her home in Erskine, only took to dealing hash after developing a long-standing addiction to cocaine.

He said: “He did not set out on this venture as means of making money.

“He became involved in this offending after developing an addiction to cocaine. This was from when was 15 years of age.

“This has been a wake-up call for him. “He is also taking steps to address his addiction and has been attending virtual counsellin­g sessions every evening since the event.

“He has remained abstinent from that time.

“He comes from a good background with a supportive family and has been in a relationsh­ip with his partner for a year.”

The lawyer urged the court to spare his client jail.

Sheriff James Spy agreed with the lawyer and spared Rainey custody by handing him 15 months of mandatory supervisio­n by the local authority and imposing 250 hours of unpaid work to be completed within one year.

He said: “This is a serious charge. People are sent to custody in connection with similar offences.

“Breach this order and you will be sent to custody.”

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Bedroom haul Stephen Rainey

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