Paisley Daily Express

Lout ‘disgusted’ with himself after lashing out at his own mum


An out-of-control yob was arrested at his mother’s house after shouting abuse at her and punching a wall in her home.

Andrew Bailey, 34, kicked off at the property in Todholm Terrace, Paisley, forcing his mum to call police amid fears for his safety, as well as her own.

When cops arrived around 5pm on January 26, Bailey was drunk, shouting obscenitie­s and punching walls in the hallway.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard the yob then showered officers with homophobic and hateful abuse.

Procurator fiscal depute Victoria Keel said: “Police witnesses attended and they entered the property.

“The accused was in the hallway shouting ‘c***’. He was punching the wall.

“Police witnesses handcuffed him and placed him in the cell of a police vehicle when his behaviour deteriorat­ed.

“He began hitting his head against the wall of the vehicle and repeatedly called police officers ‘f****** c***s’ and ‘f****** f******’.”

He continued to abuse cops at Govan Police Station, shouting, swearing and spitting repeatedly, despite Covid-19 protocols in place to protect public health.

She said: “Bailey continued calling officers ‘f******’ and, while in the custody suite, spat on the ground.

“He was informed a spit-hood would be applied. But he continued to spit in the suite. A spit hood was then applied.”

Bailey appeared from custody before Sheriff Eoin McGinty and pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner where he repeatedly shouted, swore and uttered offensive remarks at his mother Margaret Todd, and to repeatedly punching walls within her property.

He also admitted uttering offensive and homophobic remarks towards police and repeatedly spitting on the floor in the police station.

Defence agent David Nicholson said his client, who has been troubled with addictions to booze and Valium, had already spent 27 days behind bars since his arrest.

Mr Nicholson urged the court to hand him a community-based sentence to enable him to get help in conquering his demons.

He said: “He is disgusted and embarrasse­d by events.

“However, his family, including his mother, remain supportive and would like to see him get the help he needs.

“There have been significan­t events in his life recently which he has found it hard to cope with.

“He is currently under a Community Payback Order, which he came close to breaching, but has managed to pull it back.”

The lawyer said Bailey did not enjoy his spell in the jail and is “willing to comply” with courtorder­ed supervisio­n and unpaid work.

However, Sheriff McGinty looked over his record, told him the only suitable sentence is custody and jailed him for four months.

He said: “You have previously been subject to Community Payback Orders have repeatedly failed to comply with these orders.

“In the circumstan­ces, there is no appropriat­e alternativ­e to a custodial sentence and I will impose a sentence of four months, reduced from six months, because of your plea of guilty.”

He is disgusted and embarrasse­d by events. However, his family, including his mother, remain supportive

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