Paisley Daily Express

Drunk lout attacked officer


A drunken yob assaulted a Paisley cop in an early morning attack.

Steven Reid, 37, turned violent against Constable Michael Macauley, who stopped him in Brediland Road, Foxbar, in connection with a police enquiry.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Reid became aggressive and began lashing out in anger at the officer.

Procurator fiscal depute Andrew Lazarin told the court: “It was 5.30am and police were looking for Mr Reid in respect of another matter.

“They found him at Brediland Road, Paisley. He was under the influence.

“He was slurring his words and staggering on his feet.

“Police officers attempted to arrest him in respect of the other matter and he took that poorly.

“As they were trying to place him in a cell van, he began to lash out, kicking Constable Macauley on the left thigh.

“He continued lashing out. He was taken out of the van to have fast straps applied to restrain him, but he managed to punch Constable Macauley.

“He also attempted to headbutt him.”

Reid was restrained in the straps and put back in the van, but continued to kick off at cops, demanding to be taken to the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

Police took him to the RAH and he was checked over by medics and found there was nothing wrong with him.

This week, unemployed Reid, of Foxbar, pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting PC Macauley where he kicked him on the body, punched him on the body, and attempted to butt him with his head on March 24, 2019.

Defence agent Kirsty McGeehan said: “He is clearly fortunate that there was no injury to the police officer.

“He was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the offence and has little or no recollecti­on of the events.

“He is a 37-year-old single man who lives with his daughter and he regrets his involvemen­t in this matter.

“He has pleaded guilty to the offence and I would ask the court to accept the matter is almost two years old.”

Sheriff Seith Ireland told him: “Police have a difficult job to do and the courts have to send a message that assaulting police officers has to marked by the courts.

“But you have pleaded guilty to the offence at an intermedia­te diet in advance of trial to which there is some utilitaria­n value.”

He handed Reid a £300 fine.

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