Paisley Daily Express

Fuming boyfriend caught drink-driving after storming off


A boozy boyfriend who “flipped out” and trashed his girlfriend’s home was nabbed for drink-driving after she kicked him out.

Former aviation worker William Everitt, 55, lost the plot at Nicola Henderson’s house in Erskine and began hurling objects around her bedroom, even damaging her telly.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Ms Henderson kicked him out of her property around 5.30am on January 30 after having her fill of his abuse.

He then attempted to drive to his dad’s house in his blue Land Rover Discovery and was stopped by cops and done for driving while double the legal limit.

Procurator fiscal depute Flora

Napier told the court Everitt and Ms Henderson, who had been living together since the start of lockdown last year, were drinking booze at her home on the evening before the rammy.

She said: “They consumed alcohol and went to bed at around 10pm.

“He went to bed, but stayed awake.

“At around 5.30am the f o l l owing morning Ms Henderson awoke and found him to be still up, on his iPad, and still drinking.

“An argument arose and this escalated with him calling her names, shouting and swearing things such as ‘slag’, ‘ whore’, ‘alcoholic’ and ‘drug addict’.

“He started to throw things around the bedroom, smashing them against the walls.

“Ms Henderson asked him to stop, to calm down. He continued. He picked up a candle holder and caused damage to her TV set.

“She told him to leave and contacted police to report the matter.”

The court heard Everitt first attempted to sleep in his Land Rover, but decided to drive to his dad’s house. Cops stopped him at Penilee Road, Glasgow, where he blew a roadside breath test and was arrested.

Everitt pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner where he shouted, swore and uttered offensive remarks to his partner, threw household items around her home and caused damage to her TV set.

He also admitted driving while the proportion of alcohol was 44 micrograms per 100 millilitre­s of breath, and the legal limit is 22mcg.

Defence agent Gordon Nicol said his client is a first offender who admitted he “flipped out” at his girlfriend.

He said: “This is the first time there has been a domestic incident in their six- year relationsh­ip.

“He may have been under pressure after losing his job during the pandemic.

“He had a good job in the aircraft industry, but was paid off. Lately, he was working at Amazon during the Christmas period, but that job finished after Christmas.

“Mr Everitt admits, ‘I flipped out’, and is hopeful the relationsh­ip with his girlfriend will continue.”

The lawyer said his client was going to sleep in his c ar but made the “foolish decision” to drive off, when he was stopped by police.

Sheriff Seith Ireland told him: “You appear as a first offender and have never been in trouble before. Neverthele­ss, these unfortunat­e incidents took place at your partner’s home.”

He fined him a total £ 560 and banned him from driving for one year.

 ??  ?? Fined William Everitt
Fined William Everitt

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