Paisley Daily Express

BRUTE THREW MUM-TO-BE AGAINST A WALL Violent bully caged for reign of terror over his girlfriend

Thug attacked pregnant partner and took away her SIM


A vile bully who threw his heavily pregnant girlfriend against a wall during an abusive and violent relationsh­ip has been caged for 38 months.

Sean Little, 28, has also been banned from approachin­g or contacting Lisa Marie Elliot for seven years after his release from prison.

Little appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court yesterday for sentencing after he admitted subjecting Ms Elliot to a catalogue of harm and abuse at her home in Ferguslie Park.

He confiscate­d her bank card, removed the SIM from her mobile phone and even prevented her from socialisin­g with her family during the horror ten- month relationsh­ip.

Little threw her against a wall causing bruising to her arm when she was 30 months pregnant.

He also threw her onto a bed and kneed her in the eye in another attack at her home.

Ms Elliot managed to break free from his clutches last April when she ran towards cops at Gilmour Street station to report the brute for what he had been putting her through.

Sheriff Colin Pettigrew told him: “You engaged in a course of behaviour to your then partner, notwithsta­nding she was pregnant at that time with your child.

“The course of behaviour caused your partner both physical and psychologi­cal harm.

“You seized her by her clothing while she was pregnant, threw her against a wall, threw her onto a bed, and struck her on the head with your knee.

“Fortunatel­y she did not sustain serious injury.”

He added drug addict Little put her through so much, “psychologi­cal harm at that time, that she ran to the police to report the matter.

“You took her bank card, restricted her access to her own bank account and prevented her from socialisin­g with her family.

“The only possible disposal is a custodial one.”

Little pleaded guilty charge of engaging in a course of behaviour which was abusive to his partner, where on various occasions, he acted aggressive­ly while she was pregnant.

He admitted seizing her by her clothing, throwing her against a wall to her injury, throwing her onto a bed, striking her on the head with his knee, depriving her of her bank card, restrictin­g her use of her own money, and preventing her from socialisin­g with her family.

He also admitted a charge of public disorder against police where he struggled during his arrest, and made offensive comments and uttered threats.

Little also admitted shopliftin­g offences in Paisley.

Defence agent Mark Chambers said his client has racked up 45 previous conviction­s, including conviction­s for assault, public disorder and a previous domestic abuse offence, and was in the grip of an addiction to etizolam or “street Valium” during his relationsh­ip with Ms Elliot.

He said: “He is a changed individual to the person described by the Crown in their narrative.

“He is appalled at his conduct and has shown great remorse for what took place.

“Drugs were in control of his life and led him down a dark path.

“He has spent a considerab­le period of time on remand and has still to see his child.

“He feels she was quite right in contacting police for the way things had turned in his deteriorat­ing behaviour.”

Sheriff Pettigrew handed him a total of 38 months behind bars and made him subject to a Non-Harrassmen­t Order lasting seven years, preventing him from contacting or approachin­g Ms Elliot, on his release from prison.

The course of behaviour caused your partner both physical and psychologi­cal harm

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