Paisley Daily Express

Our community feels left behind by council

Charleston group’s plea for better facilities


Frustrated residents in a once thriving Paisley community say they have been ‘forgotten’ by council bosses.

Charleston Tenants’ and Resident s’ Associatio­n members claim their pleas for community facilities such as a garden and community centre have been ignored by local authority chiefs.

They fear the once bustling Calside High flats and maisonette­s are being left behind by other areas as they called for greater investment in the area.

Dot Finlay, who chairs the associatio­n, told the Paisley Daily Express: “We have no community facilities, no community garden.

“The buildings haven’t been painted in 25 years!

“The laundrette is filthy, I’ve been asking for a deep clean for ages, but nothing.

“We have one little cupboard in Union Court to hold meetings but it holds about 25 people.

“The last time we had a meeting it was rammed and actually dangerous.”

Dot believes a solution could be found by converting ground formerly occupied by a playpark and used to erect portable cabins during the installati­on of a new heating system, into a community hub.

“If you look at almost every other area, Foxbar, Gallowhill, Hunterhill, Glenburn, Ferguslie - they all have community facilities, but here there is nothing,” Dot explained.

“We don’t even have a place to sit in the summer.

“I had to fight to get two benches installed.”

There are 460 properties across four multi- storey buildings and seven low rise maisonette­s in the Charleston area, which Dot and other tenants believe could benefit from fresh investment.

She added: “A community centre would be hugely beneficial to this rea.

“There are lots of older and disabled people living in the properties, so giving people a place to go would help reduce isolation and loneliness.

“We could have line dancing, keep fit classes, afternoon teas, that sort of thing.

“But it’s like the council couldn’t care less about us.”

“We are all working hard to keep it nice, and to make improvemen­ts but we need investment and funding.

“But we always seem to hit a brick wall, we feel like we are the forgotten area of Paisley really.”

A spokespers­on for Renfrewshi­re Council said: “Our housing services team provides support and assistance to all tenants’ and residents’ associatio­ns in Renfrewshi­re.

“We are in regular contact with the Charleston Tenants’ and Residents’ Associatio­n and are currently working with them to look at funding options and locations for a community garden.

“We are committed to helping our communitie­s and are happy to provide all tenants’ and residents groups with support and assistance where possible for projects which will improve facilities for people in their areas.”

We always seem to hit a brick wall, we feel like we are the forgotten area of Paisley really

 ??  ?? Unhappy Residents of Union Court, Hamilton Court, Calside Court and the maisonette­s in Alice Street are asking Renfrewshi­re Council for investment
Unhappy Residents of Union Court, Hamilton Court, Calside Court and the maisonette­s in Alice Street are asking Renfrewshi­re Council for investment
 ??  ?? Action Dot Finlay, who chairs the Charleston Tenants’ and Residents’ group
Action Dot Finlay, who chairs the Charleston Tenants’ and Residents’ group

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