Paisley Daily Express

Jail faced the death sentence


The teacher, who lived at Arkleston Road, went on to say that if the centre of Paisley was built entirely in ‘the modern idiom’, then the town would have something which was only common in so many parts of the post-war world.

He said:“Such buildings may be seen in Paraguay, the United States and in Central Europe. They have little to commend them to posterity and are cheaply built, being mainly four walls and a roof with more glass than usual.

“When the old jail was floodlit last Christmas, many people thought it had earned a reprieve. The turrets and battlement­s gave it the appearance of a castle.

“If the Americans had such a building, they would cherish it. It will be impossible to ever build another like it.”

Mr McCrossan suggested that while most of the old jail would have to be pulled down, it might be possible to retain the impressive facade.

He said:“The adjacent Municipal Buildings are more strongly constructe­d than any that could be built today. They have a handsome appearance, are in perfect condition, and quite adequate for their intended use.

“The expense of pulling them down might be considered unnecessar­y and unwarrante­d by most people. I would suggest that these two old buildings in the centre of town are the only ones which represent old Paisley.”

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