Paisley Daily Express

The BIG Saturday Crossword

Cryptic clues



1. Diplomatic bag! (7,4) 9. The appearance of one who succeeds, we hear (3)

10. It’s sulphurous rock

near the edge (9)

11. About the middle of September, it’s most desirable to make an investment (5)

13. A fiddler who performs a modern dance (7)

14. Anguished cries about fifty sacred remains (6) 16. He’s out of his

class (6) 18. She gets the highest

score (7)

19. Also affected by the right kind of battery (5)

20. Start a tiring translatio­n in Old English (9) 21. Shooting stick –

that’s a hint (3) 22. Correspond­ence to newspapers providing reading matter (11)


2. One of the crew to put a black coat on (3)

3. Round trip before noon and a little after (5)

4. They are used in

weightlift­ing (6)

5. One in frenzied search for bank official (7)

6. Deficiency causes

brief collapse (9) 7. Clip joint (7,4) 8. Occult sign for office

workers (11)

12. This could make real

spice cheaper! (4,5) 15. Vehicle for 10 in the

schedule! (7)

17. Silken material that covers the goatskin (6)

19. Don’t keep straight

on – it’s very steep (5) 21. Not the full charge for

salad food (3)


2. Cushion (3) 3. Dark (5) 4. Spasm (6)

5. Turn (7) 6. Fanciful (9) 7. Chance (11) 8. Reproachfu­l (11) 12. Wealth (9)

15. Component (7) 17. Severe (6)

19. Lamp (5)

21. Court (3)

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