Paisley Daily Express

Driver abandoned injured teen pal after crashing car

Lout fled the scene leaving passenger covered in blood


A boy racer who left his pal with serious facial injuries following a high speed smash has been locked up by a sheriff.

Nathan McLeod, 20, lost control and ploughed into a wall with his friend Callum Black, 18, travelling as a passenger in the speeding white Mazda 2 hatchback on July 23 this year.

McLeod, who was drink driving, then fled from the scene leaving his friend Mr Black suffering from laceration­s across his face.

The teenager was taken to the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley by ambulance where he received treatment for serious facial injuries.

Paisley Sheriff Court was shown photos of the accident scene depicting blood splattered over the front of the wrecked white Mazda, following the crash which happened on Bridge of Weir Road, near Brookfield.

McLeod appeared from custody where he pleaded guilty to charges of driving dangerousl­y and causing serious injury to his passenger, Mr Black, by driving at excessive speed, losing control of the car, and colliding with a wall, while out on bail.

He also admitted responsibi­lity for leaving the scene of an accident and refusing to provide details.

McLeod also pleaded guilty to a charge of driving after consuming so much alcohol he had 36 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitre­s of breath and legal limit is 22 micrograms.

Defence agent Charlie McCusker confirmed his client was pleading guilty to the three charges when he appeared at a pre-trial hearing attended by McLeod’s mother before Sheriff Mark Thorley.

He asked the court to release McLeod on bail given his young age, his very limited criminal record, and his admission of guilt at a very early stage in proceeding­s.

He said: “He is a young man who comes from a good family and they are very supportive of him.

“He has found his time in custody to be a chastening experience.

“He also understand­s this is a very serious matter and would comply with any bail conditions, including a curfew, that the court imposes.”

Mr McCusker passed character references to Sheriff Thorley, and admitted McLeod “had gone off the rails” by hanging around with the wrong crowd in Johnstone.

He added the youngster would be banned from driving, if he were released from HMP Polmont where he is being held on remand.

He said: “He knows he will be disqualifi­ed and fully accepts what he has done.

“He is very remorseful for his actions.”

Sheriff Thorley knocked back the request and ordered that McLeod stay behind bars while the court obtains background reports in preparatio­n for sentencing him.

He said: “The concern I have is the nature of the offence and the fact that you were subject to a bail order.

“Therefore, I don’t think is appropriat­e and you will be remanded in custody.”

McLeod will discover his fate when he appears at court on October 21.

He knows he will be disqualifi­ed and fully accepts what he has done. He is very remorseful

 ?? ?? Refused bail
McLeod appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court
Refused bail McLeod appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court

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