Paisley Daily Express

Raging bully attacked his girlfriend for dumping him

Spurned thug’s vicious assault on woman


A jealous brute throttled and spat on his girlfriend’s face after she told him she was seeing someone else.

Vladut-Andrei Paui, 23, attacked Kerri Adam by seizing her by her neck and then spitting over her during a drunken rampage.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Paui flipped out and assaulted her during the disturbanc­e at the property in Foxbar.

Procurator fiscal depute Iain Mathieson told the court: “The incident took place on the evening of June 9 where the complainer was at her home address.

“During the course of the night the complainer instigated a conversati­on with the accused about their relationsh­ip’s status.

“The accused then approached her and placed his hands around her throat and did not let go.”

The court heard Paui had been drinking at the house that evening and went into the back garden where he continued downing booze.

The prosecutor added: “He was consuming alcohol at her address and at that time he left to go to the shops.

“She later heard him in the rear garden where he was drinking whisky.

“He then entered the house where she was and she told him she had had enough of his drinking and did not want to deal with it any more.

“He then attended the bedroom to pack his bags in order to leave.

“He asked her for her phone. She refused. This caused an argument and the complainer asked him to leave, then he refused.

“She told him she was contacting police.

“When she came off the phone the accused spat in her face.”

Paui, now living in Larkhall, South Lanarkshir­e, appeared in the dock where he pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting Ms Adam by seizing her by her neck and spitting on her on June 9, this year.

Defence agent Graham Bryson said his client had reacted that way after discoverin­g his girlfriend had been seeing someone else.

He said: “She had a relationsh­ip with another man quite recently and my client accepts that is not any excuse for what he did.

“He is very remorseful for what he has done and he was substantia­lly intoxicate­d.

“And he recognises this position by pleading guilty at an early stage in proceeding­s.”

Mr Bryson added his client, who is no longer in a relationsh­ip with Ms Adam, regretted his behaviour and had got on well with her children.

Sheriff Mark Thorley told him: “You understand that this behaviour towards your former partner is unacceptab­le.

“And spitting on this lady is particular­ly horrid.”

He handed him a Community Payback Order comprising one year’s supervisio­n and ordered he complete 180 hours of unpaid work for the benefit of the community.

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