Paisley Daily Express

SSPCA makes appeal to home feral cats


The Scottish SPCA is appealing for people with rural properties to come forward as potential new homes for members of a feral cat colony.

Scotland’s animal welfare charity is working with Cats Protection to trap and neuter around 60 cats of various ages ahead of the colony being dispersed.

Scottish SPCA inspector Gillian Dick said:“Normally we would simply neuter feral cats and return them to their territory.

“However, this colony is very large and has become dependent on an elderly member of the public for food. They are struggling to care for the cats and there are concerns what will happen to the animals in the future if the situation is left unchecked.

“We want to disperse the colony and relocate the cats as pairs or single animals to rural properties throughout Scotland.

“They will need to have a secure, indoor space where the felines can settle in initially until they are used to their new home.

“We must stress that these animals are feral and will not be suitable as pets in a normal household. However, they are likely to be excellent mousers and would thrive as working animals in a rural or farm setting. If you think you could provide a home for some of these cats please call our animal helpline on 03000 999 999.”

A Cats Protection spokesman added:“We are pleased to be working closely with the Scottish SPCA to find a solution to this feral situation.

“This is a good example of what we can do working together for animal welfare, and we look forward to finding more suitable homes for these cats.”

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