Paisley Daily Express

Abusive rant


A jobless painter spent more than a night in the doghouse after shouting abuse at his partner.

Steven Docherty, 33, turned the air blue with insults when his girlfriend wouldn’t open the door to him after he returned sozzled following a drinking session.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Docherty, 33, showed up late at the property in Johnstone on September 25 and repeatedly banged on the door and shouted insults.

Procurator fiscal depute Caitlin O’Hare said:“At around 12am the witness was at her home address with her 12-year-old daughter.

“At that time, the accused attended and began banging the door and shouting‘A ******* open the f ****** door!’

“This behaviour continued for about 30 minutes.

“At around 12.30am the witness contacted police.

“They attended and observed the accused to be under the influence.

“They attempted to take him away from the address in order to speak to the witness.

“When she opened the door, the accused immediatel­y became aggressive and moved towards the door.

“He had both arms outstretch­ed and shouted,‘You will open the door now you f ****** a ******* .’”

Cops arrested him at the scene.

Earlier this week Docherty, who was bailed to stay at his father’s address in Foxbar, pleaded guilty to a charge of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner in that he shouted, swore and repeatedly banged on a door.

Defence agent Lindsay Barber said her client had been kept out of the family home since that night.

However, she said his relationsh­ip with his partner will continue.

She said:“The complainer was at home and far too much drink had been taken when he had been out.

“It is his 12-year-old daughter and he has a good employment record as a decorator.

“He is on Universal Credit at the moment, but hopes to resolve matters sensibly and return home.”

She told how Docherty was“absolutely mortified”at his behaviour and added he found it“a sobering lesson”.

Sheriff Gillian Craig deferred sentencing him for three months and ordered him to be of good behaviour, removing conditions of bail, which allow him to return to the house in Johnstone.

He will appear back at court on January 14 for a review of his conduct.

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