Paisley Daily Express

Woman saw red after cops found hash


A woman high on drink or drugs flipped out at cops who had been called to a rammy at her home.

Claire McMenemie, 43, became violent after police discovered her stash of herbal cannabis in her handbag.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard yesterday that McMenemie, who has a conviction for violence, kicked her door towards police and then showered them with vile threats.

Procurator fiscal depute Kirsten Brierley said cops were called out to her address in Linwood at around 7pm on August 21.

She said: “Police were tasked with attending the house due to reports of a disturbanc­e.

“The accused was under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

“They detected a strong smell of cannabis and the accused was informed she was subject to a search under the Misuse of Drugs Act.”

The court heard cops rooted out around seven grams of herbal cannabis from her handbag.

The fiscal added cops were ready to leave her home when she began shouting at them.

Ms Brierley added: “They were entering the house to speak to her when she kicked the door towards a constable.

“She was shouting, ‘F*** you’ and the door hit the constable on the right leg.

“She was informed she was under arrest and placed in the rear of a van when she continued shouting and swearing phrases such as ‘I will kill you,’ ‘Scummy b ****** ,’ ‘Baldy p ***** ,’ and ‘You are all f ****** scum,’ among other phrases.”

McMenemie then kicked off when she arrived at the station, lying on the ground, refusing to get up, flailing her arms around and dragging her feet, as well as behaving like a “dead weight”.

Yesterday, she pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing cannabis.

She also admitted resisting, obstructin­g and hindering police officers by lying on the ground, refusing to stand up, tensing her body and flailing her arms.

McMenemie also pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner by shouting, swearing and uttering threats of violence at police.

Defence agent Terry Gallanagh said his client had suffered by being in a violent relationsh­ip and had taken solace in drugs and alcohol.

He said: “Things happened to Ms McMenemie which you would not wish on your worst enemy.

“She was previously handed a Community Payback Order lasting 15 months and has engaged well with that order.

“I would ask the court to mark its displeasur­e by imposing another order.”

Sheriff Robert Vaughn studied background reports before handing McMenemie 12 months of mandatory supervisio­n by the local authority.

He warned her: “If you do not comply you can be brought back to court for sentence on these matters.”

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